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I liek Squirtles

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  • That's the way it seems, unfortunately. I'm mostly hoping her ban isn't permanent, but you can't really know. It is sad, all of these people have been around since before I have. They were all integral parts of the forums, it seemed like.
    Yep! I moved it over before the bank overhaul, so it won't appear in your transactions, but I definitely remember moving it.
    That, I have! Final evolution wut wut! How many more levels until you're an I liek Wartortles? ... Unless you don't want to evolve, in which case be sure to press the B button when you reach your level.

    Yeah I can help! Just lemmie know your idea and I can assist you with what you need.
    Hm, that's how it looks in the anime, isn't it? Doesn't Dawn's piplup spit out huge water spouts from nowhere relatively consistently? And hm, even those are pretty minor. Three mistakes really isn't very bad at all.
    ...Mod. I meant ref. Somehow I've only just noticed you're taking your ref test! :o You seem to be doing really well so far.
    Yeah, no problem!

    Also, in case you care: I talked to Courtney the other morning (five o'clock in the morning, hadn't slept yet) in a half-asleep, terrible state and basically spurted out exactly how I feel without thinking about it. It ended... surprisingly well.
    PS's system was basically "let anyone be a ref regardless of quality", they let too many people become refs when they really shouldn't have.
    I'm giving the ref test a go now, having a small quiz beforehand to test your logic is a very smart move.
    Yo, you have ref powers in the db now, so you can go create your battle. (If their active squads have changed since then, or if they're using rentals, I can fix it once you've created it.)
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