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I liek Squirtles

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  • Ah, that stands to reason. I keep thinking I've responded to your messages?

    How are things going? Worked anything out with the whole crush situation?
    So, I have a bit of a decision, although I'm still organizing everything to get it underway. You'll still be in testing for a while longer; I'll have your new battle on the challenge board soon.
    I'll get to it soon. Sorry it's taking a while, I have a lot of stuff to be after at the moment.
    Oh, I forgot that she played tennis! I'm also unsure as to why I did already know this... Maybe it's because you played tennis too, for awhile?
    I feel like those could just be a signature attribute of some sort. Personally, I feel like amie hearts are a bit broken ("shaking off" a status condition? Come now).
    I remember that one. I had one for my Klink, my Axew, my Alomomola, maybe something else. They're lots of fun. I have an idea for my Flaaffy once he evolves, and I can't wait to use it.
    My problem with shops is they're so lucrative for whoever makes them. It's better now without items, but they still hardly involve any work in lots of cases. I'm most excited for sigthings to come back.
    Ah, whoops, my head's working slowly right now, sorry. The issue is, I don't know if the awards are supposed to go integrally when the test battle was half-finished.

    I'm not sure either, but probably not.
    I wouldn't say so, I think it's a tossup. I've just had more opportunities to use my Piplup/Prinplup, though the lucky egg has helped. Lucky Eggs are still the greatest items in ASB.
    Personally, I find it takes so long to evolve Pokemon that I just go with whatever I like at that moment in time. I didn't plan to get an Empoleon before a Golurk, since I bought the Golett a year before the Piplup.
    Yep, although I actually kind of want to double-check the listed awards -- they seem weirdly high to me (although in any case the database assigns awards automatically, hmmmm...).
    I'd much prefer that many final evolutions spread out over many types. Arguably, I don't use final evolutions in battle on principle, but they still look cool in my pc.
    You got a long way to go if you're going for water types. 6 really isn't that many :P I have 10, and I just gave away 2, and I still feel like I'd die of old age before I could get them all.
    Hoo boy, I have a bit of a wishlist, but I'll probably start digging into it myself over the next few months. I'll let you know in June. Anything for yourself?

    Having money like that is great. Just don't become me and spend it whenever you get it. I get tons of Pokemon that I never use and my bank account never gets above $30.
    Sadly, with Negrek rejoining, it is not unique :(

    I seem to remember seeing that in the Birthday Centre before. We could do fun reciprocal gift giving.
    Hmmm, well, post the prizes and everything, but see if you can have folks keep the thread open. I still need to evaluate your latest round (although not much's happening there, probably), and I'll let you know whatever else I've decided once I do.

    Technically, I can post in closed threads, ASB mod and all, but this is just so the procedure can remain standards for testing refs who aren't ASB mods.
    Go ahead and ref the next round, and end it in DQ. I'll have further instructions later.
    Ah, I see. That sounds like a blast. You waited a whole month to celebrate it?
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