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I liek Squirtles

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  • Oh, okay! I should be able to do that, then. I don't have any (S)NES emulators yet, but I intend to have several.

    Ah, okay. I say it that way too. I thought it might be pronounced like it's spelt: "ssburb." But that's awkward.
    Oh, right. Heh.

    Ah! You should write. Also I've heard it's pretty strange! I might try it out soon. It's for the NES, right?

    Do you make the "s" sound, or do you say "s"? Like, EHS vs. SS.
    I'm not sure if that's a reference, and Urban Dictionary isn't helping.

    Qustodio has been gone for quite some time now, but I'm grounded again, for other reasons. I just can't stay out of trouble, apparently. Other than that, things have been okay; NaNoWriMo is coming along smoothly, I have found a plethora of amazing music to enjoy, and I'm getting pretty good at the guitar! Oh, I've also been drawing a lot. What about for you?

    Also how do you pronounce Sburb.
    All right, sleep well.

    ...So, hula? Or that weird dance at the beginning of the Olympics that told England's past?
    ...That's an interesting holiday. At least a week is good? But yeah, it's not a lot. I'm sorry you have so much work! High school is hard.

    Huh! That sounds really fun. I had to do an improv play the other day and I did pretty well! But yeah, other than that everything has been uneventful. ...But wait, Finding Nemo dance?
    D: That's awful! Are you getting one soon? Do you get Veteran's day off?

    Oh, I see. Let me know when you finish them! I'm not a fan of the style of writing but the concept is cool, so I'd like to hear how it ends.
    Oh, I see. you mean like aloe
    ...Are you a junior?

    Is the ending better than the main series one? Because if it's not I'm proooobably not that interested, heh.
    You can totally recycle, starting from scratch is just if you want it to be super difficult for some reason. But autobiographies are cool! How's it coming along so far?

    ...Not really. Mark of Athena pretty much did it for me, unfortunately. It feels overdone, to me.
    Well, I'd like him not to be unpredictable and creepy. More like cool, conceited and formidable; that's way scarier when it's a) extremely powerful and b) not on your side of the fight, I think. Although Lord English is pretty fucking scary.

    You can pull it up! Disappointment is bad because it's almost like acknowledging defeat. I'm surprised you didn't write Project Alpha, though.

    Not... really. It's too colloquial for me. I read them, though.
    Well, yeah. Essentially the same, right? If she weren't
    , she'd be
    , I would imagine.

    ...Holy shit. I feel so fucking accomplished. Thanks, Hella Jeff.
    Well, it's essentially the Condesce, except the troll
    . Hopefully no one will notice, though. I'm glad you like it!
    Oh, right. Perhaps a troll feels cheated out of their Ultimate Reward and comes to claim their place as god by finding one of those rings? Like, the ring that Jack had.
    ...Hm. Well, I think I'll keep it simple, since Homestuck isn't over yet and we don't know what twists it might take. Unless Homestuck is over before we reach the antagonist point?
    Nope! That's why it's Tcod Plays Sburb, and not Dazel and Co. Play Sburb. I guess we'll see where it takes us? I wanted everyone to have an equal part in determining how it came out, since that's how Sburb works.
    I see. I can't take it out now, since it's already started counting down; I guess it's for the best, since starting with shale will speed things up a bit?
    Well, I have less school, and I also don't have clubs or anything. But I do have hella Boy Scouts, since I'm wrapping up with it and have a metric fucktonne of paperwork and the like to do for it.

    Yep, there's a fair chance that's me. And also that I'm the only Qvalador, so there's a safe chance that any given Qvalador is me.
    They were in one day. B) It was less than I had, though. I decided I hated my original idea, so I started from scratch. 950 isn't bad! It's not that I'm homeschooled; I do most of my work from three to four. It's a mixture of me not letting myself get distracted and having a very high typing speed. :u
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