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  • nothing much! i'm at home on (a very short) break for a few days before The Miser opens!

    how are you?
    Balloon Trip, what. That sounds so happy.

    No, like... three different parts of the function. Three equations that are the same function, rather than two.

    Ah. So... I'm assuming you used Diddy Kong, before?
    ...The teacher doesn't care? I want to be in your French class.

    Oh, okay. Have you gotten to inequalities at all yet?

    And I don't know they seem... hard to use. They just plant trees and shoot rockets, after all.
    But they let you do it? Are they aware you're playing it?

    I just found that online. I don't actually have a GIF warehouse.

    I know about it because someone did a report on it in fifth grade, I think. It sucks, it's like a cold but a million times worse, basically. (Assuming that is what I have, of course, which it seems to be.)

    French really is easy. There's only one word for everything! Which is nice. Also does that mean Algebra II or something? I think the hardest function thing we've done so far is three-way inequality functions. Not fun.
    Oh, I see. So they allow things like SSB in school, but they've blocked Serebii?

    ...Really? I've played as Villager, it didn't seem that good... Also, Bowser Jr. looks really fun! I can't wait to play as him. As for Pac-Man...

    Nope! Now I'm sick. I think it's... mono, believe it or not. No, I have not been up to any mouth-on-mouth shenanigans.

    ...Honour application? And is that because English is more specific? English is way more precise than French, I think. So that might be that. Also maths are really hard. Which one are you in, again?
    ...Your snacktime is longer than your lunchtime? Who are your mains, then? I'm really looking forward to playing as Greninja.

    It's... not that great, really. It's fairly easy, but addressing several hundred envelopes becomes mind-numbingly tedious.

    Well, I don't necessarily enjoy it either, but it's the rule, and I didn't follow it on purpose. I guess it's all well that I was grounded. But I just got ungrounded a few minutes ago! So I suppose that's that.

    Heartbleed was when OpenSSL got hacked and everyone was afraid their usernames and passwords were at risk; and rightly so, because they were. I wasn't effected by it, thankfully.

    I wonder why they don't break it up. Was it tests that made the previous week so stupidly intense? And oh no, tests. I don't know if I have to take the PSAT but it sounds scary.
    How can you play it at school? Also how is Greninja?

    I usually wash cars, too. I used to mow lawns, but it's autumn now, and no-one needs that anymore. Now I'm addressing envelopes for my neighbour, who works in real estate, for five dollars a page. Each page contains about thirty names which need to be addressed. I believe it came down to seventeen cents an envelope.

    Well, that's fair enough, I suppose. I don't agree with analysing books the way people do, either. A good story will, assuming it's written by a good writer, take on symbolism and deeper meanings on its own. Similarly, reading a good story will invoke a deeper meaning into the reader on its own, without having to delve into semantics to understand the book's secondary meaning. I just like to read, that should be enough. An F isn't bad if you can make up for it, anyway. Take a look at my Algebra II gradebook.

    No, like, a physical run. Get up at seven in the morning, brush your teeth, put on your shorts and run a mile as quickly as you can. I didn't... feel like doing that one day, so I didn't. And now I'm grounded. I suppose I should have seen it coming.

    Oh. I... feel like an idiot for not picking that up. I'm writing a report on Heartbleed right now, it's really boring. What about you?
    Oh, right. How is it? I don't have it yet, I'm getting it for the WiiU instead. After I address a couple hundred more envelopes, I'll be able to afford it!

    Well, it's pretty amazing that you've come this far without getting an F. I'm assuming you're in English 204/Tenth grade English? That's what I'm in, and it's dreadful. Right now it's not quite so bad, as we've been reading short stories, but before it was sentence pieces and grammar mechanics, and that's just... awful, you know.

    To answer your first question, I am grounded because I didn't go on a run when I was supposed to; also, apparently, I was subliminally disrespectful in some way that is far beyond my comprehension. I chose to tune out most of that part. To answer your second question, I have no idea what that means.
    My friend.

    I've been grounded, I'm not ignoring you. Can't do Pesterchum or Skype, since my dad runs analyses of the computer and can see what applications I've been accessing. Curse his technological competence.

    How have you been?
    Neat :3
    Enjoy your pokermans, as I'm preeetty sure they were delivered to the right address this time!
    Can you trade right now?
    Quickedit: if you can't, I'll probably be back after something between half and hour or an hour, depending on how long my little midnight stroll ends up being.
    Nah, I think it was someone else.

    I'm a lazy butt and I found a female Japanese lvl 14 Feebas in one of my random boxes, would that one be okay with you? I could still breed one for you but I have a 'mon with eggmoves sitting in the daycare and I'd have to relearn those moves if I take it out now, so I'm just checking. :P
    Oh, dang. The person had Puerto Rico as their location, so I kind of assumed it was you. I'll try and get another Feebas bred at some point today. What's your in-game name? Knowing that might prevent me from messing up again, haha. :P
    My timezone's GMT +3
    Was that you or did I just trade the Feebas to some completely unrelated person on my friend list? :Y

    I kinda have to head to bed right now, so if it wasn't you, please notify me so I can breed another Feebas tomorrow :P
    I could trade now, if you're able :O
    EDIT: I'll check back here an hour from now, so message me if you're available around that time, I guess?
    Oh whoops, I was a bit preoccupied last night. What's your timezone, though? Might help with figuring out when I should be online :P
    Are you suggesting my idea is so bad it shrinks your brain? Come here, you piece of shit. I'm using the whip for real now.

    ...Sounds like me IRL. And also we have the same name. :O

    /quickly discards whip
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