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I liek Squirtles

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  • I'm building it from the ground up and it's not human-based so it should yield interesting results.

    ...So she was. I always thought it was funny that there was a character named Ryan because... well... you know.

    Of course I won't be whipping him with it. I just know VM likes whips, and I'll use it as an incentive.
    One for NaNoWriMo, and another really huge worldbuilding thing that I am doing for no reason.

    ...Apparently Parks and Recreation was supposed to be a spinoff of the Office but they made it separate later, so.

    /clicks tongue
    I guess I'll have to get the ol' whip out again.
    I will try. I have two other big projects right now, though, so it'll have to wait.

    I might check it out! I'm basically done with Parks now, so I need something new. I thought Parks was produced by Amy Poehler, though?

    ...Hopefully I can maybe revive it. We didn't even actually get to Sburb, and I feel like that's easier to RP.
    If I end up writing it.

    ...My dad used to really like it. But I've never actually seen that much of it.

    Also I think the RP died, oops.
    I should probably add your FC at some point (I don't think I've ever added you)? Mine's 1650-2210-4496 and my in-game name is Hans.

    Do you have some estimation as to what time you're available for trade? I'm probably gonna spend the rest of today playing games that aren't pokemon but I'll try and check the forums every now and then if I remember (so just pop me a message if you're online I guess?).
    The generator handles that too. If you mean how it decides which one would be appropriate, each Pokémon can have the type-enhancing item or gem for either of its types, as well as any items associated with the evolution or Mega Evolution of anything in its evolutionary family - Gallade, for instance, could show up with a Dawn Stone or a Gardevoirite in addition to the Psychic and Fighting gems, Twisted Spoon, and Black Belt.
    we're putting on Harvey (a man and his imaginary 6-foot rabbit friend) and The Miser (an old French farce)!

    It's good that you get a snazzy theater, but the rest does sound like a shame

    nah, these are the regular university shows. shakespeare troupe shows are at a bunch of different places
    I have both a spare Feebas and a Swinub, so you can just have them for nothing if you'd like. I probably won't have that much time for breeding things anyway at the moment because I'm kind of neck-deep in fictional aliens (started Mass Effect 3 just yesterday) :P
    that was more of an answer for the "can you get him alone bit" honestly

    i mean i told him to tell me when he's coming up (which is hopefully soon! cause he wants to see the shows) so there's that
    funny story the two of us got lunch together earlier...problem is he graduated and only comes up for special occasions :(
    Can the apricorn balls be traded, though? I'm not sure if the other 4th gen games have those coded in. I could be wrong, but dunno. No need to go through massive trouble for me, anyway, since I can probably find a Friend Ball Skarmory somewhere (plus, someone on PC traded me the Dream Ball Nidoran I wanted, so I'm feeling pretty generous right now). :B

    I'll see if I get some better pictures of them at some point, I don't have any on my laptop and my phone's not suited for any kind of camera work :P
    They are seriously adorable, though, I can assure you (tiny little whippet puppies!)
    the thing is though the witness in question hasn't said anything on whether or not he (the witness) thinks it's flirting and i'm getting all this positive "yes its flirting" stuff from people who AREN'T HERE and i just don't. know.

    god why is this confusing
    tbh i'm sincerely waiting for him to pick up on it because i'm obvious holy shit like i actually have a witness to say "yes you're being obvious"

    also i'm just scared and confused
    Ah, alright. I can probably still breed you a random Swinub and Feebas for you at some point today when I have time (assuming I remember). :P

    Do you have HeartGold or Soulsilver? If you have SS, it'd be cool if you could find a female Skarmory and snag it in a Friend Ball. If you don't have SS or just don't wanna run around trying to find one since it looks like its encounter rate is really low, that's cool too. I personally only have HG and you can't find wild Skarmory there, so yeah :Y

    I found a spare female Feebas sitting in one of my boxes but it's in a regular pokeball, probably leftovers from me breeding a shiny one for myself (it's Modest and has Confuse Ray, which is an egg move). Are you ok with that one or should I breed a Dream Ball one? I also had a spare female Level Ball Swinub so you can have that one too.
    Also what timezone are you in? I'm GMT+ 2 or 3 (can't remember which because daylight savings time and whatever)

    EDIT#2: also I'll probably need your friend code :P
    Yeah, my internet's okay now.
    Do you have any other rare ball (Apricorn balls/dream balls) female pokemon or 5IV 'mons with egg moves? My dex is already full so I kinda only need stuff that I can use for breeding :P
    well, yeah, that's true, but it still sucks. especially if you think you might actually have a chance and it turns out you're wrong

    honestly, i'm about as bad; it took me a MONTHISH to figure out i liked this one

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