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I liek Squirtles

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  • Huh. Both of those stand to reason. I might try it out! :o I'll let you know when I'm able.

    But first, Spore. Because MrKyurem gave me all the expansions.
    Huh, really? I thought it was, like, incredibly lame in all possible ways. I don't really remember it but I always hear bad things.
    TCoD shows up in history, so I might leave suddenly. Probably not soon, though.

    Thanks. I yelled at one of my friends today already, so hopefully I'll feel less shitty for the day.
    Thanks! It's usually one of those "I got this" things that end up being "I thought I had this but was really wrong."
    This is the coolest thing short of actually putting the characters in the game. (that'd be too fucking rad for words)

    Oh, that sounds interesting. I'll check it out sometime if I can be bothered to.
    well it was....a thing. a vaguely uncomfortable thing. tbh i'd rather that it hadn't happened some days

    ewwww congealing gummi bears
    actually it ended like a month later. it barely counts but we did go on three dates

    i don't know if he's coming to it though! i mean he said he's coming to visit at SOME POINT i think but still
    when i was a junior in high school! like four years ago what

    naaaah, he just messaged me over facebook
    Actually....I haven't. My ex and I were just so obvious about it that we didn't really need to.

    also, honestly, it's very very unlikely that we'd be alone since he graduated
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