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I liek Squirtles

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  • I'd like to say it's well on its way, but there's still stuff that needs to be done. If you want you can keep track of it on its Github page here.

    (also I find it amusing to refresh the front page until something like "lost Dialga poster - we miss Cupcake" or "local Zekrom" comes up)

    Yeah, I don't have any idea. Things shift around a lot because I'm always moving (testing is different from state to state; only one exam here, and that's in biology), so for the time being, I have no idea when I will take it if I even take it at all.
    Oh! Okay, that makes sense. Do you know what science you'll pick in your senior year? :o
    Oh, I see. That makes sense, I guess. It's your only science course, though?

    Dunsparce! For future reference, if you have veekun available, you can always quote the post, look at the number in the image URL, and search it!
    I am too. :( I tried once and it had some sort of error, and now it looks like your gate is closed? It's not showing up, anyway.

    Oh well. I can wait for them to show up in Leif's.
    Sure! Oh, and if you have any white or pink azaleas, could you bring those over, too?
    Hm, none that I can really think of! If you've caught anything in the sloppy series, I'd take or buy that off of you, though.

    Are you collecting DLC/other rare items? There are few misc. things of those that I want, particularly the rolling suitcase, pumpkin pie, and fedora chair.
    Hi, sorry for being so silent! I'm away from home.

    I haven't been up to much at all. Everything has me really stressed out, I'm worn pretty thin at the moment, haha. What about you?9
    I have some oranges in my New Leaf town! I've just been getting back into it recently, too ! (Mostly because school's starting back up for me, and I can get a few streetpasses there consistently/daily, haha.)

    Oh, and do you want balloons? I have about four or five in repeat colors, and a spare bubble blower too, I think.

    I think we've traded friend codes before, but if not, I'm 4313 - 0246 - 8454.
    Oh, cool, I'd be happy to trade for that. What item do you want out of the battle maison? (Also, my native Vivillon is garden)
    Do you have any hidden abilities? I'm still looking for a gale wings Fletchinder or a bulletproof Chesnaught.
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