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I liek Squirtles

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  • Maybe that's why it's only in Puerto Rico. America can't take delicious things in regulation.

    it's...sorta a troupe i guess? we just go around to a bunch of different schools (and apparently a nursing home????) and do some sonnets and scenes

    that is an amusing analogy

    honestly in my case about 90% of my problem is that i'm bad at talking about feelings. Like, really bad.
    No. Kresto is just a Puerto-Rican thing, apparently.

    And ovaltine is delicious, goddamn it.
    Today I measured out my Ovaltine precisely and it's disgusting.

    The second cup of Ovaltine I had today was out of the rest in the tin; I just emptied out what was left. Also disgusting.

    Landon is a prophet.
    i'm still not in any shows, but I AM in a semi-traveling shakespeare thing. We start going places in October. I'm excited.

    also there are people with LEGITIMATE FAITH IN ME what (namely that guy who may or may not like me oops)

    HUGE PLAY SOUNDS LIKE FUN THOUGH! And i hope you get into Forensics!
    I have a modest Squirtle with aura sphere and 4ivs I could send over. It'd make a good mega blastoise.

    Are you free to trade now?
    Yeah, no problem. I have nothing else to do with these points. Is it OK if I send it over on a garden Vivillon?
    Let's work out a Pesterchum log here real quick, so we don't have to do it in the thread...
    **phantasmalTendril began a conversation disconsolateSpume
    PT: hi!!
    DS: hy. what's up?
    DS: to skyp the usual commencyng pleasantryes
    DS: Y am not good
    DS: Y'm on a chocolate mylk hangover. and damn yf Y hate yt.
    DS: anyways
    DS: whats up wyth that game everyone keeps talkyng about??
    PT: i was just telling rory about it!!!
    PT: i dont really know much about it myself. i guess rory will be the first one to get the game, maybe he can tell us then!!
    PT: apparently its a lot like the sims!!
    PT: but its more powerful??? thats what they say anyway. i dont know what that means, maybe its faster or something???
    PT: and you need to cut it out with the ovaltine mister!!!

    Biology seems really fun except dissections. I don't have the heart to do that kind of thing at all. I'm glad, I don't think I have to. World history does sound like it'll be fun, because I really like ancient civilizations. We just got to Mesopotamia! But I think they're skipping over it, it looks like it's almost done. :( And thanks, I wish the same on you!

    ! Comedy sounds like it would be fun. Anyway, that sounds like a really interesting class! It sort of puts you on the spot, though, I guess you have to be the sort of person that isn't shaken by crowds or anything like that!

    Yes; my school is actually state-wide, which means if I want to go to any real-world events, I occasionally have to drive an hour or more. Fortunately, I live in the state capital, so I rarely have to go very far since there are a lot of things set up in my area, but the clubs are set where the teachers that run them live. Clubs are weekly; you just pick one, and drive to wherever the teacher wants you to meet. They used to have online sessions for them, but I guess they like making things difficult?
    Really? I guess it's a bit slow compared to what I've become accustomed to.

    And there's no date yet. Probably in about a year, but it's not a super set thing.
    Yes, actually! It's a name they gave to Tetra early-on in development. And my avatar is a concept image of Tetra. Tetra Tetra!

    ...Yeah, there really aren't any yet. That's subject to change in the coming years, since I'll be taking more advanced courses, and those are fun. But for now, I'm stuck with the trademark ninth-grade classes: Biology; Algebra II (not really trademark, but shrugs); tenth grade English (also not trademark, more shrugs); computer literacy; and world history. The latter two might be fun; computer literacy seems to be largely Google-based, which is cool.

    It isn't crime investigation or something? And I'm glad it went well! What were the auditions like?

    I like clubs too, but I can't this year. You actually have to go places for high school classes, instead of just attending an additional class, so I can't. :(
    There's a few aspects to the leak as far as I can tell. There's a video of the 3DS version's gameplay going around, but it keeps getting taken down so I can't find it at the moment.

    There's also a lot of screenshots here: https://imgur.com/a/PzeCw
    According to people on reddit it's from the people who do ESRB ratings, which is why some of the screenshots focus on trophies with boobs.

    And here's the roster: http://www.flickeringmyth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/21425.jpg

    It MIGHT not be final though, there was a "leak" last month that matches up EXACTLY with this leak except it mentions more characters that don't appear in this one, so Ridley, Dixie and Mewtwo are still up in the air.
    Sorry, the number you're trying to reach is not currently available. Please leave a message after the tone.

    It does seem so! Pesterchum is a thing again, though. I'm well enough, but school is just as bad as I remember. What about you?
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