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I liek Squirtles

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  • Frozen, but with major characters gender-swapped. The princesses become exceedingly heterosexual with a Dave-Dirk relationship. Olaf becomes Brolaf. Anna is Andrew and Elsa is Elmore. Kristoff is Kristiana and rides a female reindeer named Svenya. Excessive bro puns. Only an act of true bromance can thaw a frozen scrotum. Andrew is shot in the crotch by Elmore on accident and loses his sex drive. Hans becomes Gret. And so on.
    Things are okay.
    I own that movie. :p
    So I had the most AMAZING IDEA for a musical we should write. It is called…
    Oh, hm. I live in Columbia, so I see cities quite a lot and they're pretty different! The cities here are so much more mechanical and menacing, I think. The ones there have open streets and cobblestone and it's just nice.

    Oh, that's my favourite castle! The prince there was obsessed with swans and they're all over the place. But you have to walk up a mountain it get there.

    Who's your favourite character?
    EDIT: What did you mean by OP roles in the Sburb sign ups?
    Oh, cool! European cities are really cool. They hardly feel like cities.

    Did you do Neuschwanstein or however you spell it?
    I meant reflection, not refraction. But, uh, mirrors are pretty specific, there aren't shy synonyms. Maybe glass?

    I've been to some of those! Germany was the best. Which was your favourite?
    Which parts did you visit?

    Oh, huh! You've seen a lot, wow.

    Um, the issue may be that they both have two syllables which makes it sound a bit off. Maybe Bubbles and Refraction? Do you want it to include mirrors or an element of them?
    I am be happy when read this message

    How was it? Also hurrah! How far are you?
    Thanks! I've been wondering about that for ages.

    Your safari is dragon typed, with Fraxure, Noibat and Druddigon.
    Sorry, is that what your own friend safari is, or does my safari contain the same ones?
    Something I forgot to ask: Could you tell me what Pokémon are in my friend safari?
    I finished the trades in the thread but I've still got the reserved Sun form for you when you can trade.
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