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I liek Squirtles

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  • we have these goddamn bowls that we cut fruit for. so that's what i do ninety damn percent of the time
    i just work at a supermarket doin whatever the hell they want me to do. usually cutting fruits and shit
    I actually haven't played it either because I don't own a Vita, hehe. There's a translated LP of the first game (said LP also pretty much the reason it was picked up by NISA in the first place). For Super Danganronpa 2, there are different incomplete translated LPs you can read for the full game: this is up to the middle of chapter 3, this has the full chapter 3 and part of chapter 4, and this has translations of chapters 4-6.

    (aka join the fandom and despair even if you're vita-less, we have cookies!)

    But but but, the game's almost over! It can't end now! Can't he find someone else to host it or something? Maybe you, ILS! You're not in the game, you can host it!

    I might deserve that shot, but I don't regret it in the least. [/insert super cool american eagle music]
    I have been to Disney World before, but I don't remember it very well.

    Oh. That's unfortunate. I thought you guys were Catholic?

    Okay. Sorry about that.

    I saw the last slide. It looked really, really confusing and mind-blowing.

    Can you tell her that it's the result of a parental monitoring thing my parents put on here that I didn't know I had, and that I'm going to have to call off the Mafia game as a result? And yes, she deserves that shot.
    Aw, that stinks. It must be getting worse. Tell him to try switching to Google Chrome. I mean, if Firefox is redirecting him to Google, then maybe it's a sign to switch to Google Chrome. /shot
    Oh, I see! Did you enjoy it? Also you were only, like, eight hours away, why didn't you visit.

    I haven't read it in a while, but I'm in the middle of Act Six, Act... Two? Three? I'm not at the Gigapause.

    Also can you tell DarkAura that I can't message her because Firefox is redirecting me to Google only for her for some reason?

    Also I can't trade right now, there are things occurring. Sorry. :c
    Mafia, Mafia, Mafia, more Mafia, also Mafia! Black Yoshi is back, this thread happened, new members, and... that's about it. No news on ASB except that apparently Zhorken stopped working on it at one point entirely, if I remember correctly.

    You just got back from Europe?
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