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I liek Squirtles

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  • greetings

    you may be one of two people I've spoken to on this forum to have not changed their usernames since I joined, incredible


    actually that was not. it was a crossover with an anime. god i forgot about that one.
    oh, sure! (this is gonna be REALLY LONG just a warning)

    waaaaaay back in the day when I was an itty-bitty twelve year old and Gale of Darkness had pretty much just come out, I started roleplaying in the frightening world of the neopets forum. Yeah.

    But none of the Pokemon RP plots there satisfied my sophisticated mind! Everything was so childish and cliched. So, naturally, my response was to make my own roleplay, starting with something fairly cliched (that whole people-with-Pokemon DNA which i think is still kinda prevalent if you know where to look) and combining it with elements of the Orre games that I'd come to love so much.

    I wish I still had records of twelve-year-old!Flora's first self-created roleplay, but alas, Neopets deletes boards after like twenty-four hours of inactivity. How rude.

    So I turned thirteen and moved the plot elsewhere. I moved it to Gaia first, and that actually went on a surprising while without actually doing anything. I moved it here back when the forums were still slowly rising from the ashes of The Great vBulletin Crash of '08. And remade it a billion times on both sites.

    Over the years I'd made other roleplays, of course. But none of them satisfied my creative soul. And I slowly stopped roleplaying. But, after watching an LP of Gale of Darkness I was reminded of this plot and suddenly got rejuvenated. Of course! The plot that I neglected after I turned fifteen and stopped roleplaying as frequently!

    But this time, the shallow ideas needed to be expanded. They had to be developed because I had SO MANY IDEAS and eventually I realized that I really should just make it a fic.

    And now I already have a decent portion of the first chapter and some awesome characters.
    Alright, added you back. I checked our time zones, and I'm ahead of you by five hours. We could arrange to trade sometime this week at around 6-7pm your time if you want.
    Yep, Archipelago Vivillon is fine. (I actually don't have that one!) I have the Froakie ready, but I just realised I haven't got your new friend code.
    I'm not looking for anything in particular right now, so any Pokemon is fine. (Maybe one with an interesting nickname if you feel like it) I'll get around to breeding the Froakie tomorrow and give you a message when I've got it.

    Any particular nickname you want for the Froakie?
    I think all my Protean Froakies are timid, but I can breed a modest one easy enough. Do you need one with a certain amount of IVs?
    Oh, okay. Well, just drop me a message via TCoD whenever you're up for it - I'm online most of the day.
    Oh, I see. My friend used to go to a Christian Academy and didn't have to take finals if he got an A in the repective class, so I wondered if that was the case with you.
    Sorry for lateness, but I just want to say thanks for your condolences, it was very much appreciated. I was in a pretty bad way when I typed that Grr post, but things are starting to look up again.
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