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I liek Squirtles

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  • I'm in Act V now! I think. I just met Tarvos Nitram.

    What is Nitram Backwards
    What is my last name
    There is a connection
    It's obsolete to me! And I do. Today, I lost my page, so I was looking for it in the index and wow I'm not even half-way there. And if I have to read another troll conversation, I'm going to kill myself.

    How many acts are there?
    Oh, ha. Yeah. Duh. I mean, I've gone on the wiki before, but only to see the trolls' names. Most of the stuff it says is obsolete to me, anyway.

    Are you caught up?
    Decent. I've read way too much Homestuck today. I think I've met most of the trolls now. They're talking about The Reckoning, right now. And how Superman is lame and stuff.

    I've also been writing and drawing and blah blah boring. What about you?
    Hm, that's somewhat interesting. We talk about that a lot at Bible study. Well, more like I talk about that a lot at Bible study; no-one else is ever on topic. Ahem.

    But hrm! That's actually kind of cool to think about.
    Yeah, and so is the Suicune. I missed the Entei, though -- the one you got was actually from being caught in HeartGold.

    Anyway, it's about bedtime and I have school tomorrow. I'll trade you back Darmanitan for Arceus for the time being, and if you need anything from generation 5-6, we can do that another time. Is that okay?
    I think I'm already starting, actually.

    If your internet cuts out, no big deal, we can finish another time, I trust you. I'll have to get off at 10:00 anyway, so it'll probably be over 2 days.
    In that case, just give me a few minutes to find them all, and then I'll initiate the trade with you.
    Saturday! There's some patchy WiFi here, though.

    And oh! That's cool. Are they easy enough?
    Since about four! The drive was so long.

    And that's great! What's your favourite part so far?
    Not sure if I'm going through with that one. And yeah! We need to talk about that one.

    We could just make both weaker!

    I don't have access right now.
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