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I liek Squirtles

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  • That's true. We could just nerf both, though!

    I'll add you when I get home. I'm in Tennessee.
    I really like that! It can replace Hyperactive, it's less extreme and I really like it!

    And oh yeah! That's her. Next to her is her brother, my uncle.

    skullKid. Without the period, of course.
    Oh! I forgot, you don't know about her. No, she's my aunt (don't worry, not the fruit-hat kind; she's twenty) who's lived with me for the past few years.
    I'll add you soon, I promise! Paige has been playing Yoshi's New Island forever, I swear.
    I can't right now, sorry. I've been having problems connecting my DS to our wifi. I can probably do it sometime tomorrow, if you're ok with that. Should have it fixed by then.
    Ugh, missed each other again. My schedule's a little spotty today, so I'll be on...about 8 hours after this post, and after that. Tell me when.
    I'll be on X/Y for another 30 minutes from this post. Request a trade whenever you're ready.
    I'll be available for the rest of tonight when you want to trade. I have for you an amaura, kabuto and omanyte.
    1) I developed a lot more things than that! I just never wiki'd them. By developed, I mean beyond the original sketchbook.pdf phase, which is quite a few.

    There was only one other contender. He backed out after my speech after realising he was way worse at art than me. /shrugs

    3) I already have it, though. :o
    1) Stuff that was never fully developed/was a bad idea to begin with. If there's a better canon Pokémon for it, it's going.

    And oh, I know what you mean! One time I had to improvise for my speech (I won, somehow. I ended up resigning because the teacher in charge of everything accused me of being a liar, though). What would you have run for, out of curiosity?

    2) Nearly all of them! The only ones I really want are Tyrunt and Aerodactyl, though.
    1) Yes! But I wanted the domain worked out as soon as I could. It should be ready by now, but alas. I'm actually working on a set Dex at the moment. Scrapping a lot of stuff in exchange for canon things.

    And that's pretty cool! Did you go for anything?

    2) I might. I'll have to look.
    1) Good! Thought you might be interested in this, by the way. And for you?
    2) Nope, working on it as we speak.
    thank you!

    there is literally nothing with the crush i honestly don't think anything's gonna happen
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