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I liek Squirtles

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  • Nope.

    Because I never thought about doing it. As a kid, I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. I was stuck on it. Unfortunately, I don't know any professional artists, do you? Things here are pretty... normal. It's a lot like what you see on TV. We don't have any weird things, I don't think.

    Yeah, I guess that would be concerning. It would be hilarious, though.
    I could try! But I'm just not sure how it would work out. I think I should wait.

    And I meant that it wouldn't be anything you've never seen before, haha.
    Well, the local actors aren't very open to new members, if you know what I mean. They're kind of snobby, and look down on amateurs. Like me.

    Oh rly
    Oh, that's really cool! Man, drama sounds fun. I really hope to do it in tenth grade.

    And sure you can! That's appropriate for this age! Heck, I have two pregnant acquaintances: if anyone knows about tits and ass, it's us!

    Hahaha, that sounds awesome! I'm excited for you. How do you like your role?
    I'm not sure. It may have something to do with the fact that I keep reading it out of order, by accident.

    And you did tell me, but that's exciting! How's it been going so far?

    Also try my personality quiz, it's fun.
    It's because none of those are egg moves -- they're level-up moves, that Meowth learns at levels 41, 46 and 49, and the baby only gets those if both parents know them.
    Sure! I'll do it Monday; I don't have access to a computer, and I am basically useless on my mobile.
    No wonder it didn't work! I didn't have the http:// in it!

    Yeah, but my 3DS can't copy and paste, so I tried copying it down on paper and replicating it. Obviously it didn't work. I think I copied it down wrong. Hrm...
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