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  • X, but more to the point, I pulled a few tricks in order to circumvent that Nintendo e-shop service for my country is completely broken and I might have to mess around with a few 3DS settings before I can set it to deal with anything online other than Nintendo e-shop.
    Not wi-fi, no. There is wi-fi in some areas but I generally don't have my 3DS and computer at the same time in those places, so I can either play games online or talk to people online.

    (I know the 3DS has a web browser but that's not really an ideal solution)
    It seems you need to be connected to the internet to even input a friend code. I was hoping it'd let me enter it and it'd verify it next time I connected.

    So I won't really be able to add you until I go home in May :c
    Really. Are you sure that wasn't with your other FC?

    I don't need anything in particular, unless you're willing to just give away legendaries. But you might have to wait a little while -- the Swinub breeding will take a long time.
    No, we basically have to see each other on the PSS. You don't have to be in Kiloude, just be playing online in X/Y at the same time.

    I'm breeding a sassy Piloswine (it will hold an Eviolite) for a trick room team. If you really want a female Amaura of a certain nature, though, I could breed one for you. Also, if you need a Ditto friend safari, Qvalador has one, so you should friend him so that you can get 2IV dittos. And occasionaly, 4IV dittos.
    I'll be able to see it once we're online in-game at the same time, and after you've beaten the E4/Champion.

    What do you mean what eggs am I looking for? Currently I'm breeding Freeze-Dry onto a hidden ability Swinub (by the way, this is probably the single most tedious breeding chain in the entire game -- Aurorous lv.77 or move relearner -> breed onto Lapras -> breed onto Delibird -> Breed onto Swinub).
    Yeah, but it wouldn't do you any good. My 3DS is too broken to be playing Pokemon X on it.
    Sure, that's fair. Just make sure to edit or make a new post so people don't get confused.
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