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I liek Squirtles

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  • Perhaps the Yache berry? It reduces the power of supereffective ice type attacks.
    Interesting. Mine is fairly similar, though the only thing that's the same it the shiny ratio. And I think I'll do that. I would imagine it being fairly easy for my zone.

    And I'd be happy to. Where should we start?
    Hey, if you don't mind me asking, how do you calculate everything going on in your Zone, like the ice castle? I plan on making my zone more like that, after I implement held items.
    Oh goodness uh

    I catch myself singing Tits and Ass on a startlingly regular basis so probably that
    I actually have no idea how to do it. I can read over it, but your guess is probably as good as mine.
    Never mind. 'Tis been resolved~

    You can! It's huge, but I'll tell you how if you really want to. Basically you just go here and download a snapshot, or you can do it the real way, which makes it actually a lot more accessible and basically more useful in general.
    What do you mean, in the past?

    It's that I saw the thing and I thought it maybe had a thing where you could download the dex.
    Wait, who said you're desperate? That doesn't even make sense.

    You're good to go, unless she's purposely not answering (in which case, you wouldn't know, but it might turn her off a bit).
    Oh, fun...? Hopefully you'll finish up soon! Tell me how you do in the science fair!
    It's good! My birthday was pretty great! Other than that, nothing's changed. Things are slow in the life of Ryan.

    How about for you? :o
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