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I liek Squirtles

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  • Could you link it to me? I can't find it (unless the weird little flash game is Homestuck).
    Yeah, I feel the same. I think you'll find the United States crime drop in the nineties pretty interesting; a bit of research has discovered that after the states with the highest crime rates legalised abortion, crime rates dropped. People that have unwanted babies are not going to raise them to be good people; so I just let people do with abortion what they will.
    I believe in all that too! I'm not Catholic, but... You know. Same stuff applies. Basically the same ideals are mine; anyone that says people can't be gay is a fucking hypocrite, because it's nothing more than a sin. And you're not allowed to tell people what they can't do when you're just as bad.

    I'm neutral on abortion, actually.
    Yeah, I don't get it! I guess because it says something against it in the Bible? But it also says to stone your wife if she's not a virgin and she tries to marry you, so there's that. People pick and choose what they believe, so the "it's unreligious" arguement is just... no. Please do not go there, I guarantee that you're an idiot if you're using that as leverage because I can already think of a thousand reasons why you're just wrong. And an idiot. You're stupid.

    ...Well, you're not stupid. But you know.
    Well, yeah, but still. I mean. Me of all people? I dunno.

    But my parents think it's weird, because I listen to music they didn't even listen to (not to mention they're super queerphobic and think Freddie Mercury = bad. And John Lennon, even though he's not gay).
    Ohh. I'm not sure why I said England.

    Great. Can't wait for some more, "Why don't you listen to music that other kids your age listen to," &c.
    I saw a picture with it carrying England on its back. Or that's what it looked like, anyway.

    THEY HAVE BEEN DOING THAT SINCE TWELVE or probably since always, because they expect you to be as mature as they are, but you aren't. And they forget that.
    DW, what?

    Ohh, I see. Yeah, people get really involved in that kind of thing! I would never write something that long about a movie.
    It's about a disc-shaped planet on the back of four colossal elephants who are riding the back of a sea-turtle through space.

    Really? Most reviews on Frozen I've read are pretty to the point, the point being, "It was great."
    Don't read it, I'm pretty sure it's stupid.

    ! That'd be interesting. Haha, Tumblr users are the most critical people on the face of the Earth.
    The Disc World series! :o

    The Percy Jackson series was good! The last one was the best, you're missing out. World history is fun, yeah! I'm not a huge fan of history, but I've always found ancient cultures really interesting.

    It was fate~
    That'd be dumb. Kids don't know what to look for in a movie.
    I have books to read! I just haven't had time
    And nope, it was optional (book club) which I don't attend because it's for girls. I'm not stereotyping; it's literally for girls.

    Oh, I see. You must read a lot more than I thought, hahaha.

    No, I didn't! That's interesting, though.
    Oh. That's... Unfortunate? I haven't been able to read much either, so I can't act like not reading is The Most Terrible Thing. All I can read is stupid school stuff.


    I'm assuming you aren't talking about books.
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