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I liek Squirtles

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  • Maybe it is! I'm from Florida, I just don't live there at the moment. :o

    This is true, although no-one except us calls themselves Americans.

    Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Good luck! c:
    Puberty has already fucked me up~
    maybe not to you

    Yep! All the time.

    Until what? If you're talking about my birthday, it's three.
    they're my usernames and if I think they're stale, they're clearly stale to everyone else

    I went to her house and on a few pseudo-dates and stuff, but I was twelve and it was kind of... I don't know.

    And yeah, I know. I'm not trying to support the fact that they are jackals, because I know they're terriers, I'm just trying to justify why they have Sand Rush.
    confidence. possibly a friend if i'm terribly wrong.

    i just want to be positive before i hypothetically try anything
    I don't.

    I wrote that last part after the rest of the message.

    Because because... I was twelve? I don't know. Maybe it does.

    I don't know, it probably doesn't, although that's the only way it would make sense. It kind of looks like a jackal.
    Hm! /does not write in the ILS Profile document he does not have saved

    My uncle is actually pretty heavyset, too. My full-blood uncles are not that tall, though. I only have one.

    I've dated once! But I was twelve so it doesn't count. I've never kissed either!

    Scamming my brother is sooo easy, oh my god. I can't even.

    Maybe jackals?
    i try, man, i try.

    it's typically intuitive? sometimes it ends in hilarity though
    Five-ten-ish? Not sure.

    Some big dads are cool. Like my (step?)uncle.

    Oh. Wow. I haven't actually dated in a while.

    Ehh. He's a lot younger and isdaohfjowe. He can be cool though.

    Also Herdier and Stoutland get Sand Rush! So.
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