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I liek Squirtles

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  • yes i have. and i dunno if that'll happen. especially since the show will take up a fuckton of my time.
    maybe. i dunno. WAIT SHIT NO WE HAVE SPRING BREAK STARTING...sunday never mind.
    Oh. Well, I guess it would be a hassle to go through 3+ battles with only tackle, string shot, bug bite, and snore.

    Hey, we could go for a 6v6 or something and break the record for longest ASB battle.

    [Another newbie question: How does happiness work? Do you get it when you battle or something?]
    i guess??? i'm trying so hard and i don't know what to actually DO if he can't take the hint argh
    Yeah. I've never battled before but it looks like fun and you seem to have given the xp on your mons. So.
    What's the difference between Set and Switch battles? Can you just not swap out freely in a Set?
    i put my head on his shoulder. unprompted. i dunno how much more obvious i can get.

    also we've come to the conclusion that my crush is hella oblivious
    Well, presumably. Although, from the moment someone knows that they shouldn't do something, they're tempted to do it; that's why even kids 2-3 years old can be kind of mean sometimes. Even if they had perfect parents, a child will still be tempted to lie and cheat if it benefits them.
    It depends on the person, I think. A lot of people are quicker to douchiness than being nice.
    I don't think so! I asked her about it, and I also asked her friends if she said anything (I'm closer to them than she is, so I'm sure they weren't withholding anything). Unless she just has some deep, buried secret that she isn't telling anyone at all?

    You know. Less terrible. More prone to kindness and compassion.
    Well, she ended up hating me, too, and I didn't really do anything bad to her.

    Sometimes they are! My extended family is pretty terrible. I guess if we all acted less like people, we would get a long a lot better.

    I had one a while ago! But it was tiny and I never used it, and I haven't had one since.
    Her name was Gabbie. She was super sweet to me, but apparently she was a huge jerk to everyone else. I guess she couldn't keep up the fake persona anymore?

    Middle Schools actually differ throughout the country, and so do the actual systems. My previous schools have been pretty bad because they're under bad administration, but a lot of the teachers were really great. It's basically set up exactly like high school here, although thanks to high capacity, I didn't get lockers. Someday! *shakes fist*
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