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I liek Squirtles

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  • Wait, why would you charge people to make you a website, if you already know how and can do it yourself?
    You know, I was going to ask about that! Because you asked me something about using the <img? tag a while ago, and I never knew why! How would you charge people?? (Also, the tcod html guide is really great, that's how I learnt it)
    We were so yooouuuung. *shakes fist at sky*

    So I came up with a bunch of ideas for my site! First, a "Use This, Not That" guide that tells you which moves to use instead of others (i.e. Surf instead of Hydro Pump, etc.), and then a Pokémon theory page. But neither can happen until I finish my CSS guide...
    Oh! That's pretty cool. I can't wait to go into public school so I can do stuff like that! :o


    Oh! So which one are you leaning towards?

    And don't worry about it. They aren't important Pokémon or anything; they're just Pidgeys and Caterpies and stuff. I think they want to be dead, anyway.
    Well! It sounds like a plan, then! Good luck!

    How has theatre been lately? I haven't heard anything about it for a while.
    I have! You look... considerably less like me.

    I don't know, I'd just assumed that you would because I would (because I'm a wuss). It's better to do it soon, though, like I said.
    Oh my god, you're so little. And look vaguely like younger me. Strange.

    And I don't know, a few weeks maybe? Although it's better that you're doing it sooner rather than later.
    Whoops! I replied to this, but my browser flipped out out on me.

    Wow! That's way sooner than I thought, actually. I'm excited for you! Tell me how that ends up.

    And Celebi 25, she's registered here I believe? I have an odd tendency to look through people's friendlists and see if there's anyone I don't recognise.
    :o *highfives* Way to go! I hope you don't get scared to ask her out, when the time comes! I tried to ask out a girl once and I got scared every day and then school ended. Don't do that.

    Also I didn't know you had a sister, whaat.
    Oh. That's actually... wow. That sounds like a pretty organised thing you have going on.

    I definitely did not read your conversation with Flora, nope nope nope. I hope you feel a bit better. School sucks.
    Hurray, I'm now a Mafia Player.

    And oh! That makes sense, I suppose. Sounds like you have a whole UN sub-community set up there!
    So you said you could choose corporations as your delegation? Could you pick, for example, Coke? Or Windows? Or Nintendo?
    So is the delegation randomly selected? Or do you get to pick any one you want?
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