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  • yeah really. it'll fly by though.

    not in college! In high school i was in all the musicals. (notably in Fiddler as Chava aka the one that gets disowned)
    i graduate in 2016. and yeah, i suppose, but usually that's for finishing up other degrees and such.

    A Chorus Line is cool! :)
    :( i'm sorry!

    the guy i danced with is graduating this year. which is highly disappointing
    I assumed so, hah. Although she is moving soon, presumably! You've been waiting a while, you know.

    And oh! I wonder why she's switching, then?
    ...That seems odd, if the other schools are similar.
    Quick, ask her out! She might decide not to leave. :o
    Ohh, from school-

    Wait, why? Don't you have a (fairly) decent school? I don't know much about it, but it doesn't come off as that bad.
    idk exactly what happened (memory is fogging up) but he spoke pretty loudly

    also i dunno man i'm not used to people having things for me and thus i can't tell

    (if he does though literally everyone's gonna be like "dude it was fucking obvious")
    they're in the student center! everyone gets one (commuters AND resident students)

    college is fun! it's not as bad as people (read: teachers) make it out to be
    i don't think so!

    I've been checking my school mailbox compulsively on a daily basis oops
    *shrugs* idk man i just don't feel comfortable divulging crush things in general.

    oh my god yes
    i don't talk to my uni friends about it because the last time i told friends about a crush that they personally knew they TOLD THE GUY BECAUSE I "NEEDED TO KNOW THAT HE WAS GAY" even though i knew the guy better than they did and thus ALREADY KNEW THIS FACT

    so basically i'm just scared that the same thing will happen again.

    also why are you sewing cult robes
    my friends have been nudging me to ask this guy out. (also to tell them who he is but THAT'S not happening and anyways if they paid attention they could probably figure it out)
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