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I liek Squirtles

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  • parents and siblings are silly. when i got asked out my parents were like "whoa i thought your younger sister was gonna be the first to get a boyfriend" and i wanted to cry
    Also yo, you will never know if your crush likes you back until you ask! Or you get sneaky, which is cheating.
    how did you get to my conference room.

    i think my squishy flirt section has been oxygen-starved or something. *shrugs*
    I have a picture of the thing. Also I have a feeling that that was WAY too neat to be his handwriting.

    Also if he's had a thing for me since LAST YEAR that would be ridiculous.
    It was terribly simple i mean it was pink construction paper in the shape of a heart with "someone loves you! happy valentines day" written on it and i THINK it was in an envelope but i don't really remember. (picture shows it has a fold in it so it likely was.)

    the valentine itself didn't have my name or anything but the envelope did there we go now i remember.

    it seemed kinda generic but my roommate didn't get one so it wasn't a campus-wide thing. or even a department-wide thing. *SHRUGS*
    I'm working on sets and ushering for Anne Frank, and I'm painting stuff in Music Man. and i'll be THE BEST FUCKING PAINTER EVER.

    Idk man I got an anonymous valentine thing on v-day last year and since this year is generally better maybe the stuff that happens on v-day will be better?
    Right now we're finishing up The Diary of Anne Frank (which opens...next week holy shit), and after that run (and spring break) we'll begin work on Music Man!

    He's in both of course. Anne Frank as an understudy (which means he gets to usher with me! woo) and Music Man as an actual character.
    yes. and yes.

    between the class we have together and the fact that we work on show stuff at the same time, i do see him every day.
    i should have known someone would use that usertitle against me

    i totally would but i'm scared as shit
    yeaaaaaaah. which is why the fact that he danced with me made me so excited (i could have daaaaaaaaaaaanced all night~ oh lord stop me)
    It depends; we both do, really. He tends to start more by sheer virtue of me being kinda socially awkward.
    since last year, but we didn't really start talking till this year for some reason
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