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I liek Squirtles

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  • My level of comfort in front of people socially is terrible; performing is much different, though! I usually do quite well.

    And oh, I see! That sounds pretty original, no wonder it got first!
    Haha, I bet. I've never done that before (post limit)!

    I've been meaning to do some actual acting for a while, but usually my friends and I just get together to do stuff! I really want to go into it because I can be pretty witty and one-liners/tongue-and-cheek are basically what most people remember me for! I think I have the actual acting part down, but you never know until you're actually in front of a crowd...

    And congrats on the science! What'd you do?
    Much better! GIMP started working, I got my iPod back, Hippy isn't dead, I'm getting better at the guitar...

    On a paler note, I can't play the guitar for a while because I chewed my nails off (it's something I do almost automatically now, although it isn't really a habit because I only do it when they're long) and it kind of hurts to strum! I usually use my nails to strum, but now my fingers are raw and ouch.

    And for you?
    Not to be rude or controversial, but we kind of already have. I think 9/11 was a pretty huge blow to our pride.
    "use us"

    I am laugh

    But really. Americans tend to jump to a lot of stupid conclusions, probably because we're used to everything being instant and say things instantly without actually giving two ounces of thought into them.
    Oh my god, really? "Look, a Hispanic person! Must be an immigrant." ??????

    That would be really cool, although my parents would never go, haha. They're from Florida, and as much as they love the land outside of the continental USA... yeah, I don't think they'd dig it.
    Is that so? I didn't know that, actually. I would love to be down there, honestly, because the weather sounds lovely (I really like tropical weather), but I can't say much because I haven't been. In any case, hopefully more stuff will come in as PR is gradually more accepted as a part of America! Most people don't even know it's a territory, you know.

    That's all anyone does, I just happen to enjoy the random stuff you throw in quite a bit.
    Aw, that sucks. :[ If you get it fixed, you can ask for the Carvanha anytime. I'm gonna breed a bunch of them.
    They're actually just kind of... a thing, here. I don't see much of them. By huge, I mean there are always WWRY or Wicked posters up in the big cities. Always.

    *gives all the thanks back because your blog is great*
    *cocks head to side* I'll keep it in mind!

    I almost saw Wicked once! But it would've been in German. You know, musicals seem to be huge in Germany! I saw ads for them all the time.
    I got it on Blu-Ray! Newsies is the best.

    And oh, huh. I'm thinking about American Idiot and We Will Rock You, next. Just because Green Day and Queen.
    Yeah, it's on gen six, sorry. I actually just transferred it from my gen five game. What's wrong with your 3ds?
    Oh, what a shame. :o

    NEWSIES also Rock of Ages is pretty great. I've been meaning to watch more, but time is not something I have a lot of.
    A day or two after the release. I was camping the day it came out, so I couldn't get it.
    I don't have level hundreds, yet! Well, I have Bank level hundreds, but that doesn't count. We're still pretty much level, you and I.
    T-the thing? .-. I haven't the foggiest what you're talking about.

    And oh god, I know. She PM'd me. I can't tell you how relieved I was.
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