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I liek Squirtles

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  • Yeah, basically the same. My parents think its weird that I like Frozen at all.

    And yeah, basically.

    Just scrolling through le thread... ladada...
    "You encounter two Magikarps having sex."
    *pauses, rereads throughly*

    My aunt is just standing behind her, why are you so suspicious all the time?

    *darts eyes from side to side*
    No! Don't~

    Also, you're allowed to moderate it! So technically you would be getting money for it, which makes your name on the zone deserved.
    Haha, that's okay. Even so, it probably won't be until tomorrow at least.

    Any name preferences?
    *cocks head to the side* It might be a bit longer than that. I'm pretty busy today.
    I don't care. Although I'd have to find it real quick, and then reconnect my 3DS to my modem.
    Hi, sorry for the late reply. Yes, I can trade the Charmander to HeartGold.
    Alright! I didn't know if you'd be swamped with work still, or what. I'll PM you!
    I signed up for your Safari Zone, yo~

    Also, how would you feel about co-maintaining an unreasonably large Safari Zone with me? You seem to understand the concept pretty well.

    I doubt many people will sign up for it, it's mainly the setting up part that I need help with. If you're interested to any level, I can show you what I already have.
    I wanted to thank you for featuring me in your signature.

    Have a nice week!
    I made it for my brother. I said I was done making skins but he would not desist so eventually I settled for a secret skin. I plan to leave it at that.

    Dragonite skin is my favourite, too! Gooey style is too much like Barney, and Armor style just has sickly colours.
    Look at the bottom of this page and click Mew. It's the secret style! :D Really glitchy, though.
    I've heard of it. Since it's incomplete, though, I think it might be easier just to use the images of the 3D models that Serebii has.
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