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I liek Squirtles

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  • yeah i have three. my life is really weird now.

    it gets brought up if I talk about my sexuality. Which only tends to happen if there's someone there who doesn't know.

    Or if I joke that she has a crush on me, which last ended with something along the lines of "you know the answer to that question irks me" which is a very weird response.
    Oh lordy for a second there i was all "which one there are like three" before i remembered that i only talked about one extensively here

    At some point i'm gonna be all "yo dude what gives with the insisting your heterosexuality" thing but i don't want to do it unless it's brought up. so really it could be any matter of time. If I'm lucky it'll either a) be soon and be reciprocated or b) be after i get over her and be not so by that point it wouldn't matter
    Oh my.

    Stuff is... stuff. It's been pretty boring lately. All I've really accomplished is some Turquoise modding and a links page on my site.
    I have a whole book of them! But none of those besides the ones you just named have been fully developed, no. :c
    I don't completely understand the question; if you're asking how many I plan to implement, probably just over a hundred fakes. If you're asking how many we already have, it's relatively low at the moment.
    Hello! And the same to you too!

    Gosh, I was never on the old-old forums, so i wouldn't really know where to direct you there. I came in just shortly before The Great VB Crash of '08.
    Well, we didn't exactly talk about what's going on, haha. More like Mystery Dungeon and my website. >_< You should tell me about what's going on with your crush, I'm curious.

    And yuck, school. I actually have it easy this week, no maths or English.
    A bit worse than before because girls and drama and stuff, yuck. How about for you?
    I loved my freshman year in high school. Not too much work, but a really cool new atmosphere. I know a lot of people didn't like it that much, I'm glad you're having the same good experience as I did. Is the crush within reach?
    Things are pretty good around here, nothing too exciting, just going with the flow. Still miss ASB though. How about you?
    Alright, here's the deal. I've got the whole thing scanned up into a cute little .PDF, but it's too large to display on Google Drive. So, if you want to view it, you'll have to click the thing that says "The Original Project." It'll say there was an error, and that it's retrying, but it isn't. So you click on the little blue "Open" button in the bottom right corner.

    A new page should pop up that says "No Preview Available," which is succeeded by "Download." You're going to have to download it. It's not malicious, obviously, so don't worry about Google not being able to scan it. Just download it and view it from your computer.

    Ugh. Sorry this is so complicated. I wish Google Drive worked better.
    We should! Of course we would need a few extra people, but that's actually very possible. We should make a thread about it!
    ...sorry about the battle, my Internet is stupid. I swear I didn't rage-quit. You rightly won anyway.
    Oh XD I need that game XD But I really hope she does!!
    oooh! Yay! :D That's amazing! Do you think she likes you? :D
    Hiya! Yeah, I am feeling much better, thank you :) I just got out of the hospital today!
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