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  • I dunno, but its a shame to see you not partaking in an rp that you created a character for. Especially if said RP is managing to stay active.
    http://forums.dragonflycave.com/showthread.php?t=11920 There's a tutorial here!

    It's better to get a program for it (X-Chat), but if you just want to try, Mibbit is fine. It works in-browser!

    This direct link to #tcod should work: http://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23tcod&server=irc.veekun.com (on the top after you connect, a green "Veekun" tab will pop up; click the arrow on it to make #tcod exist)

    If it doesn't:

    http://client00.chat.mibbit.com/ This is Mibbit! See where it says "Connect" in big white letters? To the right of the drop-down, click "server" and type "irc.veekun.com". It'll say something about ports, but just ignore that. Fill in the nick field with whatever you want, and write #tcod in the channel field! Then click connect.

    X-Chat set-up is about the same, except you download it and then it has a pop-up asking about your nickname and server and things. It's a lot better than Mibbit if you're okay with getting a program. If you get on #tcod in Mibbit, someone can probably walk you through X-Chat if you have any kind of problem! (also there's screenshots in that thread link.)
    Well, I guess. I like Samurott though, I don't really like Chesnaut. It all comes down to opinion, obviously.

    Yes, I suppose so, but the female version would do fine for that.
    Sorry, I can't really do voice chat!

    If you go on #tcod you could talk to everyone there, though!
    yeah! it's 5241-2416-8983! unfortunately i don't know how to do the internet she-bang with my college, so unless i get that down it'll be a couple weeks before i can do some internet pokemon things

    And re: R&J: yeah, that's a good way of thinking of it! Especially for your first show; i've seen kids get big parts in their first show and they got REALLY panicky. Something with smaller lines is a little less panic-inducing.
    I don't really like Chesnaut. It's a bit... extreme? How do you go from chubby porcupine to living battleship?

    Not getting Litleo because Torchic. Male Pyroar is kind of tacky anyway, honestly.
    Don't have it yet (i'm at college and my game's getting shipped via fed-ex so i should get it tuesday) but i'm gettin x!
    Not really? I don't know how to explain it, I'm basically smeared between ninth and tenth, with one eighth grade course, iirc.
    Aww yay!!! :D I'm so glad!! :D Do you two talk a lot? She probably has a crush on you, if she is asking you about the grade you got and stuff! If she is close enough to you to ask that, it is a good sign!!! :D
    That's actually a really cool idea. What would the effects of it be on the Pokèmon?
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