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I liek Squirtles

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  • wow, this is pretty long! it might take me a while to get through this. It's great that you've written so much, though, I don't think I've ever written this much for a story.
    It's music with a lot of heavy instruments and screaming. But the screaming parts are really only a fraction of the songs; the rest of it is comparatively normal.
    Most people I know are aware of them because I rant, but other than that, it's very much the same here. Everything is about hardcore music these days.
    Oh. That's dumb. I did it last year, my social studies teacher played Queen songs all day for me.
    I used to live in Kansas, and since it's down Tornado Alley everyone's always prepared for that kind of shit. The guy would come on TV all the time telling us that "there was a flash flood coming. This is not a warning," which actually means it might rain today.

    On an unrelated note, are you participating in Freddie For A Day, or did you plan to before school was canceled?
    Haha, there's not a cloud in the sky up here. Okay, that's an exaggeration. There are plenty of clouds here.

    I'll tell you that I'm certainly glad I don't go to a public school. I take all high school courses, but I don't get any homework. Mostly because I'm always at home.

    We did transformations in geometry today, it was basically the easiest thing I've had to do all year. I'm fairly sure they think we're idiots.
    It's free! I was about to get rid of them all anyway, and Reese only ever pays a few hundred bells for Nintendo items.
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