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I liek Squirtles

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  • It's one of the bands that if you do well enough in the Region Band audition, you get in. It's the lowest of 3, but it's still competitive to get into.
    It goes Concert, Symphonic, and Allstate (which is another audition you can do if you do very well in the Region audition) I was originally 16th chair, but after were moved around and the like, i was moved up to 2nd in Concert band.
    I play flute! In my region, its really competitive sadly, since around 200 of them audition.
    You missed a character in the first part. Looks like it's a different character than last time, though, so I think this combined code is right. The missing character from this time is in red, and the one from last time is in green.

    O♂?N7 MR+4C2?? 1♀N?4
    ?-??? ??S16?5? 99JH?
    ??X?C !CP?25?? 5...2!...

    Feel free to double-check. Otherwise, if it's correct now, then I'll get back to you with the rescued code when I can!
    Hi, Squirtles! I asked and she said sure. Can you send me the code? Try to make sure it's correct this time.
    If I were you I'd write a letter of complaint to the editor but not send it because I wouldn't want to be a bother.
    You're fine saying it online! It's just if you're actually in the theater.

    It's a superstition. Theater people in general are a tad superstitious in general; we say "break a leg" because saying good luck in regards to a performance is bad luck, and we leave on a light for ghosts.

    There are a lot of theories regarding why but no one really knows for sure.
    Ohh. You had it right the first time, but you forgot to title it. Instead of Content here, it would be Content here.
    Not most of the characters; out of the main characters, one dies and one almost dies. Though a few minor characters do, if I recall.

    Yeah, Idina Menzel was in the original cast! She played Maureen.
    I was in second grade and I saw a kid in my class with a Hamtaro shirt. I went to the friend who introduced me to Hamtaro and said, "I saw a kid with a Hamtaro shirt!" and she said to me, "That probably was a Charmander." My response: "What's a Charmander?" ... and it snowballed from there.
    Use something to record the lines before yours, and then play that and say your lines afterwards. helps you learn lines and cues!
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