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I liek Squirtles

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  • Woww. I cannot relate.

    Except for when I dug up a magnet that I made in preschool the other day! feels~!
    Yep! He's Arcaninacuno, he just changed his username into something less terrible.
    Yep, same.

    Also, sorry the Safari Zone updates are so slow! I have to wait for both you and my brother to post.
    That's actually pretty good, considering the fact that I've had my blog since the beginning of last year and only have 50 followers. :o

    Assuming your blog is newer than that.
    That's fine, I don't want anything. I'll need your friend-code, though.

    Also, I struck it rich today, I have over eighty notes on a Tumblr post. *begins dancing*

    EDIT: This one, to be exact.
    I am going to finish importing my boxes, and then
    yup! theater majors have to do some academics. history of the theater and classes on plays from certain times and all that jazz
    Depends on the class! Sometimes it's an academic class, sometimes it's acting.

    it's a large amount of applying what you've learned. if the teacher sees that you're applying the book work to your performance in a monologue or scene then you'll be graded well.
    Yaaaaaay I inspired someone!

    Music Man is a pretty cool idea for a show. I've honestly never actually seen it (I'm a terrible theater major there are so many shows I haven't seen) but I like most of the music!
    Not at the moment, no. Thanks to Bank, I have access to anything non-Kalos that I want, and I don't need anything Kalos.
    Oh, and that Charmander I had just got transferred. I have more, though. It'll just take a few minutes (no exaggeration) to get them back.
    Ohhh, hahahah. I hope I don't make that mistake, though I'm not so sure. I've tried this before (in fact, my previous zone was called the Controlled Habitat), and made no money because Commons were free.
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