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I liek Squirtles

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  • So... basically like real-life NationStates? Is it a little government run by the people who attend?

    I blame it on whoever decided "phoenix" shouldn't be spelled "pheanix," really.
    Ohh, okay. That makes sense. What do you do there, anyway?

    And yeah, it does seem weird! It's probably because we pronounce phoenix as fee•oh•nix (or fee•uh•nix, depending on your accent), and Phoebe is the same way. So it would seem like it would be spelled the way you did it, but for some reason it's not. *shrugs*
    Wait, you don't have to participate?

    And okay! Wait, those weren't typos, right? You intentionally spelled Phoenix and Phoebe incorrectly?
    That is actually... a very good idea, wow. I don't actually plan stuff like that, it just happens. *shrugs*

    And yes, I already have! Not sure why I caught it, but I did. So you can just have that one.

    And I tried! I thought we had this conversation, hah. It's longer than I have time to sit down and read in one sitting, so I haven't finished it yet (because I always forget what happens by the next time I read it and have to start over), but I intend to! It's really good from what I've read so far.
    Well, maybe you can stay in touch with her after she moves! And if you get close enough, well… you know.
    Thanks amigo. It's been just, a really really really bad couple months for me.

    And I wouldn't say I revived the forums. As soon as I stop posting threads it dies again.
    You can't say you like someone until you know where they live But what if you asked? Would it strike her as odd?
    Really? That's strange, people always knew when people were leaving where I was. :o

    You'd still be able to see her, I assume?
    That does sound really fun! I miss school. And congratulations!

    So how are things with your crush? Is she moving?

    it was a board game day! (well as "board game" as you an get without a board) we played the Game of Things (you write down answers to prompts like "things you shouldn't say to your in-laws" or "things you shouldn't do at a hospital" and have to guess who wrote what) and we were gonna play Apples to Apples but we ran out of time.

    yeah after game day (which was hilarious) he had tech for our next show and after that i was invited to hang out with him and another friend in our cafe. which was fun.
    "noot noot" oh my god

    (he asked for it too! a bunch of his friends invited my roommate to a game day and he was all "oh invite rachel too" and they passed it along through my roomie and the guy was "yeah i told them to invite you cause i don't have your number SPEAKING OF WHICH" so that's how i got it)

    (i'm convinced i picked pretty well because he's the only person as happy about the numerical order of the last four digits as i am. also i'm confused because instead of being all "hey it's *name*" he sent me his whole fucking name. i was sitting two feet away from him jesus christ man)
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