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I liek Squirtles

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  • i am. and yes they are

    (i have not watched it!)

    (also it's probably worth noting that i...kinda put my head on his shoulder when he was checking on me the first time. and he didn't seem to mind, which was something. though that's probably why he asked if i was drunk.)
    i do spontaneously hug him! i did that last night, man. when he was making sure i was okay. that was nice.

    (also fuck if i know about the cops. they did not mace armpits though.)
    I can't explain it well, go to Youtube and look up the trailer. One of Machinima's channels should have it.

    But if you have a PS3 and like RPGs/JRPGs, I recommend playing this. It's one of the greatest games I've ever played.
    It's Mr. Drippy, a fairy with a Welsh accent from the game Ni No Kuni.

    What's AC?

    YAY GO SQUIRTLES (rip to the brother though. i'm sure he was a rad man)

    Iiiiii went to a party last night and I guess my senior crush heard that i'd been panicking (too many people and also the cops came to yell at people for improper parking) because he came over to check on me some time after all that went down.

    And a couple more times because apparently I looked sad. (I was just tired.)

    Basically I wound up with a really great crush wow.

    (also for someone who thinks i'd be a hilarious drunk he seemed pretty glad that i didn't drink. *shrugs*)
    Well, it's good that you're handling it well. I take death really poorly, whether I knew the person well or not.

    And still! Families are The Most Awkward. My drives with my ex- and her mom were terrible.

    Things are okay! Hiikaru has been helping me a lot with my IRC bot and stuff, and I've been learning a lot about programming! I also finally finished Anne Frank... and now have to read Jane Eyre. And my birthday is in exactly a week! So I'm doing pretty decent.
    That sucks. :( I'm sorry. I don't know what that would be like, but I can imagine it's terrible!

    Oh, yikes. That can actually be really awkward. Good luck with that.
    I read that in the Fwee thread! But it's a really huge shame about the Brother, I'm sorry for the loss. I'm not sure how well you knew him, but it still sucks. :(

    On the flip side of that same coin: /high-fives! Into the glorious abode which smells of sweet-perfume and cats! Well, that's what my friends' houses usually smell like, anyway.
    Uhh. Probably some ordinary arena with no extra effects, I keep thinking if I add something it'll end up screwing me over somehow.

    How many vs how many do you want?
    I don't currently have a properly working wi-fi connection (direct trades/battles don't work), so I'm probably going to dump them on my pokemon-playing irl friends, sorry dude :B
    Not since editing in the mafia forum was banned. :| Good idea, annoying execution - normally you can do it when editing the first post but
    Possibly! Personally, I would just charge a standard fee and add a bit more depending on the size of the site, but it's up to you how you charge, haha.

    Yeah, there's not much of a reason to have one. It's sort of weird if you haven't graduated high school. But yeah, Project Alpha would be a good thing to put on a website!

    Oh, hahaha. I just go through a Thesaurus in my spare time, but they tend to use very rudimentary words. I don't own a dictionary, otherwise I would use that instead.
    tbh the battle system in goatlings is really simple - i used the love ice fury weapon and it basically OHKOs most things when you use it. they do have a limited number of uses (~50?) but just test stuff out :O most of it is reasonably useful!
    Hahaha, noooo. A lot of work goes into making a website, so unless the per hour fare is really low, that'd be way over-priced.

    Some people make websites about themselves! With all their accomplishments, arts, et cetera. It's basically like a portfolio or resume on the Internet.

    ^o^ That's good, then. I swear you know the perfect words for everything, hahaha. You always use exactly the proper words in a sentence. And yay! That must be exciting.
    That's a lot, it seems like! Depending on how much you charge for the website.

    There's tons of stuff you could do! Pokémon is an option, but there are a lot of those. Maybe acting? Writing? Personal?

    :c Well, at least you'll still have fun?
    Depends on the host! Mine is free, and it should probably work for you. My domain was fifteen dollars, though.
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