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I liek Squirtles

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  • i do hugs a lot! but i also do it with friends so that won't really help me

    okay there's a LITTLE mashing but.
    You're leaving my zone, right? An awful shame, you didn't even try the Desert.
    I was though! I was sober. And I tried again monday night (when i was definitely sober) and nothing.

    kissing does not involve sucking air out of someone's mouth and forgive me for laughing but the idea of that is highly hilarious
    Not if you're the only tall person in your family for ~3 generations and it's all anyone ever talks about ever.

    I don't know. It seems as if they're never nice and are waiting for you to slip up so they can beat the daylights out of you.

    And... that's not culture. We didn't know how to respond, either. My brother is a bit of an idiot.
    Being tall sucks. Honestly.

    Big dads are scary! Actually, dads in general are pretty scary. I try not to talk to them. Ever.
    *shrugs lots* i don't even know. he still doesn't seem to have figured it out, but i was trying with people around and they didn't say anything either. so maybe i'm NOT as obvious as i thought i was. *shrugs*

    ! Not necessarily. I mean, you have to be mature with some of your friends; rest assured, I'm pretty immature with them too, but.
    I've been on a couple! all i can tell you (it's been years) is that a) not every girl expects/wants the guy to pay for everything (i sure as hell don't!) and b) every situation is different.
    I actually think Nordic languages are really, really cool, but they're probably a nightmare to learn.

    Haha, slang. I have two Englishes, really: English I use for my friends and family, and English that I use for my mature friends that don't think I'm a dork when I talk like I write.
    I actually like English. That sounds weird in the sense of, "Duh, it's your native tongue," but I've seen quite a few languages and English interests me a lot, even though I am fluent in it!
    I dunno. I mean, even though I've learned all this stuff, to me it's just... English. That's basically it. I don't actually care for parts of speech or anything like that.
    Oh! Huh, I guess that kind of thing just hadn't occurred to me. I just... know the language, basically. That's it.
    What is Spanish writing like?

    Also I'd assume so. Conjugations are a pain in the arse, I still have trouble with French ones.
    I thought so! You mentioned going to a Spanish class, and it didn't occur to me that you going to Spanish would be the same... as me... going to English. *shrugs*

    Spanish is fun! I've picked up a little bit (my aunt isn't fluent, but she's weird and likes to speak in pieces of it), but overall it's fairly easy to understand because it's so similar to English... in most parts.
    Heh, Spanish. Are you fluent in Spanish? That's probably a stupid question, but I don't actually know.

    Awwww!! That's cute. Tell me how that goes!
    general education classes (history, etc), major, minor, yup.

    also i'm not! i'm a brunette actually, haha.
    College classes are a looooooot more flexible in terms of what grades are in what classes! so i do actually have a class with him. yay!
    i'm ushering! so i'm working in the theater itself, seating people and such.

    also he doesn't come out during breaks. i see him after the shows sometimes!
    maybe. i dunno man.

    no because he's working backstage. out of ALL THE FUCKING UNDERSTUDIES.
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