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I liek Squirtles

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  • Oh! That sounds awesome! I'd love to know how that ends up! And you didn't tell me, but I knew. Although I'm pretty sure you couldn't sing that no matter what school you were at, ahaha.

    So how's it going with the crush?
    Oh! That's fun.

    That's great! I did see, haha. What's your take going to be like?
    ILS I am here for tonight, how are things?

    By the way, I totally misread "fake tap" as "take fap."
    Hanbei from Pokemon Conquest only has one sprite, as far as I can tell? I would recommend something else, unless you want to edit different expressions onto it - it's for emphasis more than anything.
    Kind of neither!

    Everyone will pick a character before the game/after you get your role (I've yet to decide on that part - the extra strategy would be interesting, but I don't want it to be, this person is Phoenix Wright, they must be an inspector). After that, you're stuck with the character, and I'd like for it to be a loosely roleplaying sort of thing; taking on the character's mannerisms, but not really role-playing in a typing out paragraphs of description sort of way.

    People will /be/ their sprite, though, in a flavor way; so if Phoenix Wright dies, they'll be Phoenix Wright and they'll be given a Phoenix Wright sort of death. Flavor meaningful!
    Yes! I just made a role draft, actually. Have yet to decide on the specific rules or write-up, but am intending to start it!
    Because they don't actually mean what they say; and what they say is that no matter what I say, they won't be mad. I know from experience that isn't true, because both of my parents have issues being wrong, and one has a horrible temper. Talking to them about anything would not end well; it would probably result in the loss of even more of my things, even though they promise otherwise.
    No, I'm sure it's just that. I'll look back on this and find it laughable.

    No, never; I'm afraid.
    I figured out I can use my mom's account, since it's not family monitored! :o

    You right-click the shortcut (mine is on the desktop), and go to... one of the tabs. There'll be something about a keyboard shortcut. It's not automatically configured, if that's what you thought.
    It's also set up so that if I push CTRL+ALT+V, it opens veekun. I'm downloading it the real way right now, though! :o I'll tell you when I figure it out.
    Sorry! I have to clean out my inbox every few days... there's room now, but.
    Well, first thing's first, it's an internet thing. But other than that, I basically just told her and she said yes. It was much easier than I expected.
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