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I liek Squirtles

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  • I...wasn't, but I was flashing in and out of being online. Closing my DS and then turning internet back on and then closing my ds and et cetera.

    If you tried to steal my hatching power, then that explains why those eggs took so long to hatch.
    Skrelp! A female one.

    And okay! Although I think we might ask someone else, too. Just to be sure.
    Iiiii don't think I have a Heracross, or if I do I don't really have the time to be running around breeding it, sorry. I offered to trade you a Scatterbug because I already had a bunch of Scatterbug lying around and trading takes five minutes, but right now I have way too many things on my hands to breed Pokémon specially for trading. It's fine if you don't give me an Amaura, I'm sure there are other people who want Tundra Vivillon who'd give me one.
    I SHALL. And yes! Sort of.

    And I would most certainly be interested in that! We'd have to ask Butterfree or someone first, though.
    No. I don't have time to work on getting it up and running again with everything else I have going on, and honestly, every time there's been a flicker of interest it has never lasted long anyway. It doesn't have the same long-time draw as ASB or even Mafia. If enough users say they're interested I'm sure you could put your heads together and get it going again with a group effort, but I'm not really interested in doing so myself, sorry. Even if the WiFi League could hold up for more than a few months at a time, I haven't done much posting here in ages and don't have any particular desire to at this point, so I'm probably not the right person to ask about restarting anything.
    No problem. I won't be on WiFi until tomorrow afternoon, though, do it won't confirm until then. My fc is 4425-1657-0708.
    Huh! My family is really soccery. My dad actually got a scholarship for soccer. :o
    Oh, and regarding trading using an emulator: what I did was eventually just give up. :P

    And ASB's going really well right now, and I think we're good for help for the moment, but thanks for the offer.
    My 3DS is currently lost! I can add you on my 2DS for now if you like, though! I'm 1263-7231-3330 on it. I'll try to remember to add you on my 3DS when I find it.
    Hey! Things could be better I suppose. I'm at a bit of a low point. :(

    Oh, you go to a school with Christian brothers? Like Lasallian? I went to a Lasallian Christian Brothers high school. How did it go? Did you ask her out?
    They're all sassy because Everstone. If you want one once they're done, feel free. I'll likely have around 20 or 30.
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