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I liek Squirtles

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  • Sounds like a good plan. Though if you do have the money, you should definitely consider buying Kid Icarus: Uprising because that is the best game for the 3DS (with OoT3D a close second).
    Sure thing! Any preferences as to its gender, nature, stats, abilities, or moves?
    If you go to the launcher and edit a profile, you can choose what version in launches.

    Oh! I didn't know. I don't ever get half-days, I forgot they existed.

    Yes! Sorry, I keep forgetting to register you. I can't do it today, but I'll be sure to do it tomorrow!
    Woo! Except... it's Wednesday.

    Also I am on Lunaverse right now so if you wanted to come on at any point soon, I'm there.
    no no no with literally everyone

    this friend is here and nobody here knows about the crush-guy-thing unless they somehow figured it out from That One Night I Kinda Threw Subtlety Out The Window (before i got scared and stopped haha) and if that is the case they're certainly not saying anything

    (but jesus christ i'm so fucking confused with him cause he keeps defending me and stuff but i can't tell if that's general friendship or not but he also generally dicks around with people so i don't know)
    meh i'm writing a term paper atm so that isn't helping

    also my weird-as-balls romantic situation and the fact that one of my friends keeps trying to set me up no stop
    So what game genres do you like and not like? Do you like platformers? Action games? RPGs?

    If you like platformers I would say download Cave Story from the 3DS eShop. It feels just like a retro game and is super fun (but also fairly hard so that can be a turn-off for some people). If you want a really great stealth action game play MGS3: Snake Eater or MGS Peace Walker. Snake Eater has some really memorable boss battles and is widely regarded as one of the best action games of all time. Peace Walker has less of a story and not as many cutscenes (it was a PSP game but it got ported to the Xbox 360 and PS3), but it's actually the most fun to play because it incorporates RPG elements and lets you complete short missions and boss battles instead of following just the main story. Oh, and if you have a 3DS and haven't played Kid Icarus: Uprising then you should go do that immediately. Also, pretty much every Zelda game ever made is a must-play.
    Maybe. I don't know, I haven't played it. I just finished playing Metal Gear Solid 4 and now I'm playing MGS: Peace Walker. After that I'm playing MGS5 which just came out. Which systems do you own?
    There's plenty of "incidents" so I'm not sure which one you're referring to... maybe the last case in Trials & Tribulations?
    The first one, I guess. I've only played the original trilogy, and although you maybe can play those games out of order, it's better that you don't. I still have yet to play Apollo Justice, the Investigations games, or Dual Destinies.
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