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I liek Squirtles

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  • So far, everything that's in that post is everything I've done. I'd like to be responsible for finishing Mr. Game & Watch, but if you feel like doing something else feel free to go ahead with other fighters. Essentially, I'm going in order by roster (in case that wasn't obvious by the characters that've already been done) and making every character fight every character after them, so that there's only one battle for any given matchup. Everything else relevant should be stated in the first/second posts of that discussion.

    It's not late at all! It's a long project.
    That's not an A, over here. ;n;

    Ah, I see. That's really cool! I was wondering how you got all those Mega Evolutions and whatnot if you started at the actual beginning. I'll have to be less of an idiot so I can be ungrounded and try it out, heh.
    It's a ninety-two.

    You got far enough to see Aqua and Magma? How long is the demo?

    Also, I don't actually have an A. And I did, for about a month. So I basically failed, by my own standards.
    I just got mine about an hour ago. I can't play it yet, though, because I'm grounded. What's it like?
    Well, the finale should be there either way, I think. I'm not terribly worried about getting there at the same time as everyone else.

    Did you get a demo?
    i can't words with the romantic things (wow that was descriptive)

    like ten months, oops
    oh don't you eyebrow waggle at me i doubt anything will happen

    that's probably because i still refuse to say things BUT
    I meant it is The Most Majestic.

    The Homestuck update? It's not really important for me, because I'm not caught up yet, but I'm glad it's finally coming around to being finished.
    I would do no such thing. Magikarp's status as The Most Majestic is hardly disputed.

    Ugh, hell no. You're joking, right?
    oh gosh if i had to make a script from scratch i'd DIE

    nah my teacher picked a play for each student and we had to pick a two person scene, cast it, do blocking and stage design and shit and present it

    it apparently went better than expected
    ooooh psats. Best of luck!

    also terribly sorry about the play thing. that sounds sad.
    Well, not all Water-types are majestic! For example... fuck.

    That doesn't make him any less... lame. Even if the competitive community likes him, I still think he's a little dork in a space suit. Which is exactly what he fucking is.

    Huh! I tried it out, it's really fun! And it helps me develop my OCs. That's a helpful site!
    You think you'll get a WiiU for Christmas, then? And yeah, it's kind of hard! Kyogre is so majestic, but groudon is infinitely badass, so I picked it.

    Olimar is a fucking nerd. Although that is an awful nerf, he was bad enough to start with.

    ...Now I have. I can't figure out what it is, though.
    It's coming out relatively-not-really soon! I still need a little more money to get both Ruby and Smash...

    Oh! Yeah. Systems. They're a pain in the ass, is what they really are.

    Mine was Olimar. Who even fucking likes Olimar, anyway? He's like a baby Mario in a space suit that throws his friends at people, what the hell.
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