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I liek Squirtles

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  • You don't have to do it. I already posted in the bank. Me claiming the timburr in the black market makes the trading part of the transaction final. I posted the money part in the TCoD bank, so you don't have to. =D
    Hey, uh, would you mind ending our battle in a draw? I kinda want my battle slot back...




    Just covering the battle description.

    After the defeat of his previous Pokémon, Karkat is starting to sweat as he fumbles for the Poké Ball of his last Pokémon, Koutus the Manectric. Retsurai is a bit worried, due to the Manectric being faster than him, but he still stands firm. Koutus immediately began charging a blue-and-red beam in his mouth. The Luxio started scrambling frantically trying to avoid the attack. The beam struck Retsurai square on the side. He manages to get up and starts storing some electrical charges in his fur.

    Retsurai: 62% health, 71% energy, +1 Atk, +1 Sp. Def. Magnet Rise- 3 more actions
    Koutus: 100% health, 95% energy

    Karkat is not battling. Retsurai does not know that Koutus is faster. Your tense slipped. Your sentences are kinda choppy.

    The evolved Electrike once again charged the dreaded, almost seizure-causing beam, and the Luxio shrieked in pain. As soon as the lion was able to, he sent out a bolt of crackling electricity. “This should teach him a lesson” Retsu thought. Retsurai started cheering when the bolt hit the Manectric, and cheered even louder when it paralyzed Koutus. The latter, a bit bugged about his predicament, began cursing under his breath.

    Retsurai: 56% health, 65% energy, +1 Atk, +1 Sp. Def. Magnet Rise- 2 more actions
    Koutus: 91% health, 90% energy, slightly paralyzed (2 more actions)

    Sent out a bolt of crackling electricity is a sparse description. "This should teach him a lesson" should have a comma after it. Retsurai doesn't know that Koutus is yet paralyzed.

    Even though Koutus was paralyzed, he still had a speed advantage. He was going to open his mouth, but his muscles locked up and he couldn’t move an inch. The Manectric repeated the same curses from earlier. Retsurai was now jumping with glee, and started running like a madman toward the immobile Pokémon. The Luxio sunk his teeth into the unlucky Koutus, scoring a stronger hit than usual. However, he suffered what one might call a ‘pyrrhic action’ as Retsu received an aftershock and was paralyzed as well. Koutus let off a smirk along with some trash talk and thanked Mew for his good luck.

    Retsurai: 56% health,57 % energy, +1 Atk, +1 Sp. Def., slightly paralyzed (3 more
    actions) Magnet Rise- 1 more action

    Don't mention statuses in the reffing directly. Scoring a stronger hit than usual isn't really a good way to describe a critical hit; try "with more zeal" or something.
    Koutus: 74%, 90% energy, slightly paralyzed (1 more action)
    I'm gonna get a 3DS soon.


    (Also: do you mind my giving you CC on your referee mock)
    Like I said earlier, I mostly nickname my Pokémon, I love doing themed runs. I've actually started a Batman themed run of Platinum (So far I have Zubat/Batman, Piplup/Penguin, and traded over a Meowth for Catwoman).
    I remember when I first played Leaf Green, I picked Squirtle, I always picked Charmander in Red and wanted to try something different.
    Fantome la D'Opera? I don't know.


    think of m

    think of me fooooondly

    when we've said goodbye!

    remember me every so often

    promise me you'll try.
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