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I liek Squirtles

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  • Yeah, I am... possibly Rapunzel because I have knee length hair, or maybe something else.
    So the Pokemon can only use attacks of that type? Or they have the ability to use attacks of that type?
    Milich is ... ... ... Milich. He's a narcissist. Beyond that is a mystery. Suikoden narcissists are big on the incredibly over the top outfits and probably 90% of their brainpower goes into being a fashion diva. Though actually all of the narcissists are very good in battle, so they might devote a bit more effort to things that are not clothes than that. ... Well, I lie: Josephine's only good in war battles, but she's extremely good there, so.

    But Milich and Vincent (he hasn't popped up yet, but) and Simone (he's in II) are all guys, or are presumably all guys; I haven't put them in my party and gone to check the baths. :|b But as far as equipment goes, 'narcissist' is a gender.
    Yep, I have HeartGold. However, sorry to burst your bubble, but that really is the only good place to train, or at least that I found yesterday. My Pokemon were all around level 40 as well, and I stopped playing the game for over 6 months when I reached that point. Don't give up though. I found that if you just set your mind to it it really doesn't take too long. For reference, level 45 is probably a good point to train to.

    However, if you wish to be really bold, there's no reason you can't challenge the Elite 4 and Champion now. I got to Lance's last Pokemon with my team of level 40s, so there's no reason you couldn't do it too.
    Well, a schizo has a night action that can do a variety of things (not by choice).

    For example, they choose to target someone; they don't choose what to do with them. The GM then randomizes what the night action does; I have it either kill, inspect, heal, roleblock, or do nothing. Sometimes the schizo (also it can be spelled skitzo; I sometimes swap between the two) is notified what they did, sometimes they are not.

    I just put "Mafia" in the name because I was going to try to make the most common nickname "Mafia." I've never heard of an actual mafia skitzo.

    You dragged me into ASB (that was my first battle), so I will try and drag you into the world of roleplaying! :D

    JOIN MY RP. please?


    fine print: this offer is non obligatory
    hey i think you should try out DarkAura's Pokemon Mystery Dungeon~ The Time Paradox Roleplay =D
    Oh, thank you for the cutie raichu picture on the google image game! Do you know the url of it, pechance?
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