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Kai Lucifer
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  • Not sure after that, maybe in a week, maybe a month. Nothing's certain.

    Which sucks. It sucks some serious ass.
    well, i don't think we're going to get a replacement. recession and shaddup maybe we're not rich.
    i'm being locked out of the rooms with computers, but in school i have to type everything. my parent's don't care, for the heck of it i can go and fail all my classes and then they'd get mad at me.
    ...i'm sorry for ranting at you.
    i'm already in a pretty depressed-type mood so you'll excuse me for not wanting you to add to it :<

    our internet contract is ending, or sommat. i'll get on maybe.. like, an hour a week, hopefully more. can't promise more. ;^;
    hell, i can't live in school without doodling.
    and no. i think it might be busted permanently.
    i spend all my time on iScribble
    (Also, green eyes. XDD I usually have brown but I like how you did it since it matches that... sprout thingy. Anyways...)
    well yawp, and tuxes are actually quite comfortable after a while, it's the dress shirt.

    seriously, no dresses for me. they feel strange.

    and huzaaaaah. if that doesn't work and i'm up for it, there's always a very long kubrick stare accompinied by me putting my fingers to my temples (don' know if i'm just trying to instinctively soothe the oncoming headache but it works) involved. which is further intimidating, it seems by my bushy eyebrows, glasses glint (inside too. bright hospi-like lights where everything isn't shotening out) and eyes themselves.

    ...i think i can be a serial killer this way man o:
    and you used it on meee. i feel honoured somehow ^o.o^

    and ahahaha yeah you can buy those. for 20 bucks.

    >> it was a gift. an epic gift.

    and lesse, i know how to swallow pills dry now (if i need to take them and there's no water but still...!) i wear suits all the time (kinda sorta crossdress. i'm straight, however....i think.) and ahaha no beard. D:

    but i'm a deapan snarker so it all evens out.
    erm, i'm not good with advice, so my sympathy and.. stuff. erkkk

    then what will i do with this money, burn it? *pulls out lighter*
    Ohh. That's bad.

    I get that too, but more where the liver is. Told you, liver prollems. Technechally, it'ds damaged to a point where a lot a people are urprised it still works. Even then, without an operation, I have maybe, what, four, five years left...? I don't dwell on that much though. at the rate we're saving up, either next year or the year after that, an op maay happen. And leg pains, but the added bonus is I get to walk witrh a cane. with flames.

    ..makes me look like i'm going fast 'v'

    ..whatever makes you hapy then. Just don't brake the hospitals because then I won't be able to get medicen.


    wellthatandyou'llbehurtingpeoplebutum. Need liver/torrette's meds so NO BRAKING.
    yaaaaaay ;>

    depression? kai is depressed? gifts cheer people up *looks at heug bank account on ASB* um..
    I noticed :3

    Mikeh is fun to preeeeeeeeeeeeessure~

    Soon the whole forum shall be under our upside-down reign. Gihi. GIHIHIHIHIH- *Cough*
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