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Karkat Vantas
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  • Erm... not sure... I gotta ask. D:

    All right, I'll put you down as an official spriter in the first post.

    The pay is typically $15 per sprite completed, although it may be more for particularly complex sprites.

    Edit: Also, would you be willing to do the little party sprites, or only the normal-sized ones?
    They say the day phase ends with the deadline and that the GM can do whatever they want. :/ There is no possible interpretation of the current mafia rules thread that dictates auto-death upon a majority.
    No. The day is over when the game master declares it to be over; he can do that after a majority vote has been reached even before the deadline, but a majority vote itself does not automatically end the day and prevent people from reconsidering their votes.


    "I like how the deciding factor between an alien victory and an abstaining vote comes down to when Snorlax chose to come online."

    No. That wasn't it, and you know it. The deciding factor between an alien victory and an abstaining vote was that you were operating under different assumptions about the rules and thought that you could safely reveal your alien identity when in fact you couldn't. If you had not been operating under this misconception, you presumably wouldn't have revealed yourself as an alien and people probably wouldn't have withdrawn their votes.

    Ultimately, you should have checked with the GM before making such a risky assumption about the game just in order to gloat. :/ I really can't say I sympathize.
    Because it wasn't obvious when I voted...? I honestly thought you had just made a typo at first; it was obvious when you voted for yourself.
    You have to use this instead of words in the title, though.

    It's more an issue of it being an exclusive move at this point, so it would need to make a lot of sense flavor-wise to be considered. It's not the kind of attack you can just throw on anything.
    I would have to have more information about the fake to say one way or another whether conversion would be appropriate for it.
    I didn't say that.

    It's just that most of what they tell me to listen is.
    I keep forgetting about musical reccomendations. Maybe it's an ability I've developed due to a large amount of times wherein people tried to push shitty pop onto me.
    But we could also have a Kappa vs. Spearhead. I mean, they're the same color, and have roughly the same bodily structure.

    And, much like the other one, Metallica Fanboy has never even heard of it before.
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