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Karkat Vantas
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  • It's BIDOOFISH. you know, that dude from dexgenesis I tried to sue?

    If I did it was accidental. GISH just sounds badass.
    Hey Kam did I ask you to do me a party-screen sprite of Cappun yet
    If not any chance you could
    If you do I'll sell you this fine Magikarp for just 500 Pokédollars
    That my friend is a deal and you know it
    If you give me yours, I can add you U:
    (I don't like putting my own msn address for everyone to see :x)
    Still, Dexterous can hit Zero with the rocks without giving Zero enough time to launch the Psychic.

    Well, that sort of depends on Mike, but eh, blazheirio889 thought that way about throwing Dexterous' Flamethrowers at his face back at the Adhesive Hole.
    The explanation of me not liking Green Day is that I don't enjoy their product as much as other groups.
    Did you forget about the outcropping spire? Dexterous can step on that just fine.

    Also, last time you tried to deflect my attacks with Psychic, the speed difference got the best of that. So, I hope you like roast non-melting monk temple bell.
    Interesting question. I'd be inclined to say no, since creating and holding up a barrier that can withstand any attack doesn't sound like the kind of thing you can multitask. You may want to take that to the A+A Guide though.
    Not yet. But will do right now.

    Also, bald guy is from awesome webcomic.

    EDIT: lawdy Mike picked the battle up and I took this long to realize it
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