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Karkat Vantas
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  • ...oh. Uh.... I'd rather swim in it than be doused. *Buys a divingboard*

    I should be now. Unless the ebil Budew in tuxedos removed me.


    no me

    okay, i've got /basic/ ideas for two of the starters

    kitty made out of water, has to stay inside bubble to maintain form :3

    bushy raccoon :3
    arceus, bufdoof, and zekrom are in chalk and jelabyss, igglix, and reshiram are in hematite

    okay okay

    so. lance is all "ARGH I AM NO BEST TRANER NEMOAR I WILL CASH A GODZ AND RULE THE WRULD" so he summons arceus/jelabyss depending on your version. the legend is weakened by lance's pokemons' strength, so they call upon another legend. arceus summons dialga and palkia and has them fight for it, and jelabyss summons giratina so it can take over its body. then the dragon(s) attack lance and vaporize his body, and free his brainwashed pokemon. then the main legends heal, the dragons return to their dimensions, and you fight the enraged legend.

    tldr lance is a mental psycho and you have to prove humanity's worth because of him
    hey kam remember that hematite thing i was going to do

    i split it into two games

    now there's chalk and hematite

    arceus, bufdoof, and zekrom are in chalk and jelabyss, igglix, and reshiram are in hematite

    Yes, well, you keep believing that; it's rather pointless to keep saying it, though, since like I say it can't be proven or disproven. And as I say, it's led to you making spam posts.

    EDIT: Which Negrek also seems so class as spam. Thank you and good night.
    Hey, here's an idea; let's call a truce. I can't prove I'm not him, you can't prove I am. There's really no point in arguing this further.
    Besides which your vendetta has led to you making pointless posts in the Birthday Thread. I would have classed those posts as spam, had I the choice.

    And where did I say I'm seventeen?
    Seventeen? Where did I say that?

    And Negrek suspended my account for three months due to the chance of me being him, so if I was then why would I have got in?
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