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Karkat Vantas
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  • That's actually a nice idea. Even though I'll probably not manage to put much more than two holes on that.

    Not to mention I'm a lazy south american.
    What is that jacket doing not holed?

    That aside, it looks good, but I'd probably make the inner body coloured like Badd's skin.

    All the partners fail in comparison to Plasma Wisp, though. Best partner ever? I think so.

    And Bio Spark is the closest thing I know to a ninja with a sprite, so yeah.
    Those are awesome! :o You even did Kay's eyes awww. I already have GodotShinx though.

    Thanks very much x3
    ... Can I buy Choice Band or find it or do I have BP buy. I know. I got Techie already.
    ? pen? I but yeah I saw Secondhand Lions. It was pretty good. I'm bored. Help me with a competitive Pokemon team.
    I wouldn't be so concerned if I were you. I mean, it doesn't take that much complication to seize victory from a lonesome foe if you still have a partner -- and, furthermore, Frosty has 90% health, so, you have some huge leeway.

    Also, I totally wanted to ref a Huababa-Barrage(sp?), but, your opponents aren't exactly the types that would take much damage from it.
    Yeah, I messed up the probability one with the candy. I thought it was LCM D:
    ... I hate you. But I screwed only one question on the math multiple choice
    Hey... can you edit a Stunky like Kicks from Animal Crossing? I just want the hat. You can find a good picture of him on the wikia.
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