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Karkat Vantas
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  • I refuse to fund your naming a Pokémon after that disgusting woman.

    ...but I do owe you for the sprites so it's a deal. Now stop doing things for me so I have to give you money. :p
    OH OH KAM.

    If you're doing a Yatagarasu-scarf edit for Kay don't bother with doing a Sneasel one, since I'll be evolving her right after my match with sreservoir. Just a Weavile will do.
    Hell yeah! Then how the hell would I know about Cammy? Poor Cammy. She killed Hicks D: I'm up to part with Oldbag and after her second testimony.
    Is there a limit? I never noticed it :P

    14 bucks are it, then. I have nearly 400 of them, so, it's not too much.
    But still she's cute. Her breasts aren't the only-- Okay fine. Her boobs are the only good thing about her. Buh she blows bubbles <3
    Well, do it if it's not too much of a hassle to draw an active squad as large as mine.

    Yes. It's pretty good.
    olol I only noticed this now

    It has a really weird stare, but, it's cool.
    If you wouldn't mind, that'd be fabulous :3 I would have asked if I didn't already feel bad about getting you to do the Shinx lines for me.
    Money well spent, once I un-sideways it and find something to do with it :D So I guess I just go to the Bank of TCoD and say I'm giving you $12, right?

    (Incidentally I now somewhat desire a Yatagarasu-scarved Sneasel and Emabadge-wearing Eevee. :P)
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