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Karkat Vantas
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  • Yeah, it's difficult to have the lollipop not camouflaging itself into Snoruntyrell's teeth.

    So, since you haven't yet, should I go ahead and post our challenge?
    While you're at it, may I send you the evolved Badd sprite later? I failed even harder at giving that a lollipop.
    I tried getting Badd the lollipop, but I failed at it, so, go ahead.

    But, as for Colias, I colored that sprite after actual Colias Palaeno, so, I'm not sure whether I'd rather keep that or have you do something closer to the ambassor.

    By the way, it was troublesome to figure out which Pokémon I would not want to use against you. Considering the fact that Badd must never ever be stored and Colias may get used soon.
    Not sure that'd work, really; the black parts are more like the "hair". Would light grey be any easier?
    Aerodactyls are real beasts, but, if you want something else, I'd recommend Yanmega and Gliscor.
    Good for you that Badd wouldn't do too well in a volcano.

    I'd say make these rock platforms into natural outcroppings from the volcano that basically form a spire of sorts. The lava rise is going to make the lowermost parts crumble, after all.

    Also, let's make it a big number, like 12 or so. We probably want most of the battle to take place inside the volcano.
    Well, up to one point, the magma was going to start rising. Not much else.

    We weren't exactly decided on the amount of Pokémon. Would you rather make it a 1v1 (in which case we don't need flooring) or a 3v3?
    We're doing it in the volcano.

    ... And I'm hoping these two VMs will not be taken out of context.
    My Aerodactyl's fangs were starting to get too cold.

    Go ahead and post the challenge, since I'm currently reffing.
    So, you're free to challenge now that you beat Patar, aren't you?

    That's fine. Just don't go asking for anything too extravagant, or Cammy Meele will push you off a staircase.
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