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Karkat Vantas
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  • But really, I swear, a trainer (class worker) from one of the new Pt/HG/SS battle frontiers (I think he's from SS) actually says something like "Workers of the World Unite"

    Also I'm not there because I'm watching the DIgimon movie on Youtube. :D
    Oh. I'm not sure. My parents hate when I talk to pepole on the internet, since they're all "LOL AVERYOUNE ON ZEH ENTURNUTZ IS UH PEEDO"
    Well, I don't think it matters now, does it? :P I knew something would go wrong, what with my horrible luck. Everything Pokemon-related seems to hate me.

    Take my word, though, I will take one of you down with me! *shakes fist*
    Dunno. I'm busy with your not mock reffing, so, I haven't seen it.

    By the way, I've calculated the Faint Damage attack. Let's just say you're in for a surprise.
    That, you'll see later, once I'm done reffing.

    why yes im totally evil
    That's what we're planning when I'm free to challenge.
    I may talk him into a simultaneous detective face-off between Shifu and Badd.
    True. I still think Shiftry much better fits Quercus Alba. Y'know, what with being an evil tree dude.
    I haven't done the calculation yet. Maybe I'll check it after I'm done celebrating the fact I no longer need to pray for the RNG so that my Feraligatr's ice-type moves will connect.

    Though I may leave the checking for even later if I feel like keeping the suspense up.
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