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Karkat Vantas
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  • ...Joseph tried to tell me some bullshit that his brother hacked his account and cheated. xD
    I need actions from you within the hour (or ASAP if you're reading this after the deadline).
    Huh? In our country, it's not... and plus, you're only 12. Where I live, it doesn't matter what age you are, you can be on the internet.
    I was going to use the trading card that you had (where the omanyte's all emo) but then I realised you were using it.

    omanyte is like one of the cutest pokemon 8)
    I like it. My tastes are real strange/varied, so you might end up not liking it. Dexter's linke unsympathetic in some parts, more so in the books, but it's pretty cool.

    It's a cable show though, so many Cluster F Bombs and stuff sprayed liberally.
    Dexter: >( *smacks up the head* She wants in your pants, man.

    (funny how dexter is usually stoic (uhhh not dexter's labaoratory dexter, serial killer dexter.))
    It would be extremely amusing to see something that humongous use Huababa-Barrage.

    Well, it would have been a good deal more inconvenient for them if Eledancia went down first. Because of the aforementioned movepool question, and because blazheirio889 would only be acting indirectly upon the match then.
    I don't know why you guys went for Pancake first anyway. I mean, a Ralts has a lot more moves that endanger your team.
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