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Karkat Vantas
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  • Yay.
    How about the Luxio and Luxray sprites? Are you doing them all at once or should I let you know when I need them?
    Haha. I did take everything into account, you know, Kam. Faint Attack won't KO Pancake. It'll come just short. And Protect has been Imprisoned.
    Yes it is. Thank you =D

    And I don't really want anything in particular. Although if you want to give me something, be creative and make it a surprise =D.
    I know right?

    I'm totally giving my Seedot a sig attribute when he grows up that makes him turn into Quercus Sonofabitch Alba and try to catch a plane to escape the battle and everyone has to stop him.
    Well, maybe not the last bit.
    Eh. I enjoy them. Not Shih-na though I want her to die.

    Well, there isn't one in Jacques Portsman, Manny Coachen or Ernest Amano.
    An awesome dick, though. Like Matt Engarde and Damon Gant put together.

    That and that alone is why I let him off for having a hand in the murder of Byrne Faraday.
    No, he's on TQFtL. He said something about being an "obsessive-compulsive lad" and I recognized him. Plus his name is Joseph. (I though it might've been him, but there is a guy here called Joseph if I recall, so I wasn't sure) He said "IT WASN'T ME HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO KEEP TELLING PEOPLE THIS? It was my brother-" and basically tried get out of the situation. (I don't even recall him saying anything about his brother until then) How dumb does he think we are? (This isn't important, I just though you might want to know)
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