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  • I hope you noticed, but I tried to make my character as Hussie-esque as possible. :)

    Also, my character's last name is easy to figure out, but mad props if you can figure out the origins of her first name. (No, I'm not giving it away just like that! XD)
    I think I know what you mean by mentally saying it. I can't say tongue twisters in my head even though I'm not physically saying it.
    You probably get asked this a lot (like colour blind people get asked "what colour is this") but does it bother you at all that the word lisp has an S in it?

    Alright, I won't press further.
    Maybe! I just don't know how to get over it since it's so weird.

    D:, are you sure you don't want to talk about it?
    I'm not sure you do understand, because I don't think I do myself.

    Also what's your grr thread posts about, do you want to talk about it?
    Oh. Why thank you muchly. To be perfectly honest, there are about twenty pages of drawings that I didn't finish to each one of those.

    But regardless, I am flattered by your jealousy (that sounds weird).
    I have no idea. It's just a thing I get. Whenever I try something "new" I feel embarrassed about it even if nobody's around. Like if I'm 10 and my parents are going to come in and make a huge deal about the fact that I've got a new hobby and make me feel embarrassed about it and put me off that thing.

    Except my brain has cut out the need for my parents to be there so I skip straight ahead to being put off.
    I still intend to do that wiimote thing I showed you, so I can draw with a pen on my computer screen.
    My idea was to add more than one obstacle, I'm not sure how I'd do it for more than one point unless I do the same thing for every pair of points.
    I wouldn't say anything went wrong, I just thought there wasn't much point in carrying on.

    And it was a bit daunting, the stuff that required the most work wasn't programming stuff but rather maths stuff that would be a pain to code and error check.
    No, you have to pay to use MATLAB, I use that when I have to do school work.

    Another thing I was doing about a week ago was trying to write a program where you place two points and obstacles between them and it'd find a short route around them but also a smooth route, so no sudden turns around corners. I didn't get vary far with that one, though.
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