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  • That makes more sense then. If it was random people doing it, I wouldn't believe you at all since there are untold rules about riding busses.

    On a school bus though? That's just means being a mean. It has nothing to do with your looks and everything to do with them being smelly poo faces.
    Is that normal? If they do that, aren't they also not letting other people in and it's not because of your looks?

    That seems like a very odd thing to do. How often does that happen?
    Is that how buses work? If there's an empty seat, you sit in it, if you're standing it's because there aren't any free seats, right?

    Yeah but if nobody else is playing it then I may as well be at home.
    I's so ugly, that even though I was in America with a British accent, I still didn't get much attention.

    I'l ask if there's interest but again, I'm in my last year so I'm not sure if there'll be time for both setting up the club and having meetings.

    I'm pretty sure they do. Unless you think most people don't um and err at all.
    When you say you've never doe that before, what do you mean? Do you have a youtube account?
    I'm in exactly the same situation :(

    I could do that but I'm not going to that university any more so no more Pokémon club. I do intend to join the video game club back home but I doubt I could form my own Pokémon club since it's my last year at uni and I have no idea what kind of bureaucracy is required to make a new club.

    I would do that but if I intend to put anything on youtube nobody will like it.
    I would argue but that would make me even less popular :P

    Yes, I do the same thing. I don't go out to meet people, which is the problem. When I went out to the Pokémon club I was in last year I'd just sit in the corner not really talking to anyone, unless there was a tournament in which case I'd battle them but not really know what to say.

    One thing I'm thinking of a lot recently is to make a youtube channel or a podcast talking about Pokémon or whatever I'm gushing about at the moment, but then I remember how awkward and stage-frighty I am and I wouldn't be able to do editing because I hate the sound of my recorded voice.
    pennsylvania isn't THAT far north! maine and shit? cold as balls. new york, pa? alright.
    I'm going to have to disagree with that but I'm not going to argue.

    Things like that do help but in the long run it just makes it worse, since if I'm watching TV/playing games I'm not outside talking to people.
    Thanks. I don't really see how I'm amazing but okay!

    I mainly feel lonely because I don't have anyone I can just talk to. I don't have anyone to talk to about anything irl, and online it's hard to convey meaning as well as I would like.
    it ranges. it's been as high as 100-some Fahrenheit, that was awful.

    usually it's low-to-mid eighties though
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